Labor announces $15 billion to 'turbo charge' renewables sector

Labor announces $15 billion to 'turbo charge' renewables sector

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has pledged $15 billion to transform Australia into a renewable energy "powerhouse" in a plan that promises to secure supplies and relieve households stung by soaring electricity bills.

Mr Shorten on Thursday announced a future Labor government would double the original $10 billion capital of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation as part of a 10-year investment plan to lower energy prices, cut carbon pollution and create employment.

Labor would provide $200 million in subsidies towards battery storage to support rooftop solar.

Labor would provide $200 million in subsidies towards battery storage to support rooftop solar.Credit:Glenn Hunt

The Clean Energy Finance Corporation, dubbed the government's "green bank", invests in emerging renewable energy, low-emission and energy efficiency projects that may struggle to attract private finance.

In a speech in Sydney, Mr Shorten said the plan would "turbo-charge" the corporation which has proven its ability to back value-for-money projects and deliver a positive return on investment.


"Our plan is simply about obtaining the best value from existing and new energy resources, while delivering least cost, most reliable energy, to the consumers," he said.

Mr Shorten said electricity transmission and distribution were also vital as technology developments drove a shift away from large centralised power plants to more locally generated, low-cost electricity from renewable sources.

A Labor government would establish a new $5 billion fund for energy security and modernisation, enabling the national grid to support such changes through essential upgrades to transmission and distribution systems.

"This co-ordinated and comprehensive set of projects will form the basis of Labor's national energy infrastructure to-do list," Mr Shorten said.

He said potential projects include upgrading interconnectors across Victoria, NSW, and Queensland, a second connection across Bass Strait to Tasmania and a new link between South Australia and NSW.

Labor would also spend $100 million to create a community power network and 10 community power hubs across the country. The money would provide start-up funding and legal and technical advice for local, community-led renewables projects.

Federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor described Labor's battery policy as a "handout".

Federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor described Labor's battery policy as a "handout".Credit:Dan Himbrechts

Mr Shorten said this would allow more people living in apartments, renters and those in social housing to benefit from cheaper, cleaner power.

"We will put communities back in control. We want to connect the apartment buildings and community housing and commission flats in our cities to the opportunities of renewable energy and storage," he said.

Mr Shorten said a Labor government would also enact a long-term plan to ensure workers are supported as coal-fired power plants close.

This would include at least three years' notice for plant closures, training for displaced workers to be re-employed in the clean energy economy, a pro-active approach to economic diversification in affected communities and the establishment of an independent authority to oversee the transition.

Meantime, Energy Minister Angus Taylor has hinted the Coalition may block a future Shorten government from resurrecting the government's stalled National Energy Guarantee, which aimed to reduce emissions from the energy sector and ensure power reliability and affordability.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Treasurer Josh Frydenberg strongly backed that policy before it was dumped at the behest of arch-conservatives on the government’s backbench.

Speaking on ABC radio on Thursday, Mr Taylor refused to confirm the Coalition would recognise Labor's mandate to resurrect the energy guarantee if, as polling suggests, it wins the next election.

"We are not working on the basis that Labor is going to win the election," Mr Taylor said, predicting the opposition’s 45 per cent emissions reduction target for electricity by 2030 would "be a wrecking ball through the economy".

"I’m not going to speculate on what’s going to happen in the election. I am focused absolutely on getting energy policy right, getting prices down, making sure we keep the lights on."


Labor leader Bill Shorten on Thursday also outlined a series of large new energy projects to encourage renewables, including $200 million worth of subsidies to install batteries in 100,000 homes so more Australians can store electricity from rooftop solar.

The measure is part of a suite of non-legislative measures Labor would pursue if it won the election and was unable to gain parliamentary support for reviving the energy guarantee.

Mr Taylor said the battery proposal would not provide the energy security required to prevent blackouts and "keep the lights on".

This claim contradicts the Australian Energy Market Commission which has not foreseen a gap in the reliability of supply for at least 10 years - even taking into account the closure of AGL’s Liddell coal plant.

The government frequently says Australia is on track to easily meet its Paris climate targets – a 26 per cent in emissions reductions by 2030, from a 2005 baseline – despite findings to the contrary from its own bureaucrats, the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund.

Asked by ABC radio host Sabra Lane to name a widely respected independent analysis that backs the government’s view of its progress towards the economy-wide Paris targets, Mr Taylor was unable to do so.

But he said Australia met its first Kyoto targets and was set to exceed the second round of targets, and "track record is the best indicator of future performance".

Critics say such assertions are misleading because under Kyoto, Australia claims emissions reductions based on reduced land clearing after 1990 - a year when clearing rates were unusually high.

Mr Taylor also told 2GB host Alan Jones that the battery spending was "a big new Labor handout".

Mr Taylor said the battery storage program would provide enough energy to power the Tomago aluminum smelter, pictured, for 15 minutes.

Mr Taylor said the battery storage program would provide enough energy to power the Tomago aluminum smelter, pictured, for 15 minutes.Credit:Darren Pateman

"I've got nothing against people putting up batteries if its a personal choice. But if you take the money [Mr Shorten is] going to spend on it, that will keep the Tomago [aluminum] smelter going up near Newcastle for about 15 minutes," he said.

Speaking on the ABC's News Breakfast program on Thursday, Labor's climate change and energy spokesman Mark Butler said his party was preparing to announce a suite of broader climate change policies beyond the energy sector.

"We’re pretty much the only advanced major economy where carbon pollution is rising, after coming down more than 10 per cent under the last Labor government. So we do need policies in place across the economy, in transport ... in manufacturing and other sectors of the economy as well."

He said Labor was in deep discussions with the manufacturing sector about a "sort of emissions trading scheme that would operate for those industries that will do the job, at lowest cost, in bringing carbon pollution down".

It would apply to "entire sectors of the economy with large polluting entities, other than electricity generation".

"We’ve decided to take a specific focus on electricity generation today to drive ourselves as a nation towards 50 per cent renewables by 2030 and we’ll have more to say about LNG, transport and manufacturing over coming weeks," he said.

An emissions trading scheme is a market-based mechanism that provides financial incentives for emissions reduction.

Nicole Hasham is environment and energy correspondent for The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, Brisbane Times and WAtoday.