Topic | Population | The Age


Queensland's population projected to hit 8 million by 2066

Queensland's population projected to hit 8 million by 2066

Compared with elsewhere in Australia, Queensland topped the list for having the highest assumed rate of interstate migration.

  • by Ruth McCosker & Michael Koziol


No tree change: Melbourne's population to soar, sucking growth out of regions
Victorian election

No tree change: Melbourne's population to soar, sucking growth out of regions

Melbourne will take the bulk of Victoria's new residents, sucking all growth out of the state’s country areas over the next 50 years, new projections by the Bureau of Statistics show.

  • by Clay Lucas, Michael Koziol & Joe Hinchcliffe
Australia's population projected to hit 42 million by 2066 as Melbourne overtakes Sydney
Scott Morrison

Australia's population projected to hit 42 million by 2066 as Melbourne overtakes Sydney

The Australian Bureau of Statistics projects Australia will accommodate another 5 million people by about the end of the next decade.

  • by Michael Koziol
Population growth falls in NSW, Victoria but international student numbers the key to deeper cuts

Population growth falls in NSW, Victoria but international student numbers the key to deeper cuts

State governments have poured resources into promoting international education in Melbourne and Sydney, helping to increase the number of overseas students in Australia to more than 500,000 last year

  • by David Crowe
Why Scott Morrison has had a change of heart on population

Why Scott Morrison has had a change of heart on population

The Prime Minister's plans to cut migration will please a lot of ordinary voters and enrage big business.

  • by Ross Gittins
Why do we have a 'big Australia'?

Why do we have a 'big Australia'?

Pruning migration is low-hanging policy fruit compared with reducing greenhouse emissions.

  • by Stephen Saunders
Minister defends benefits of immigration ahead of planned changes to skilled intake

Minister defends benefits of immigration ahead of planned changes to skilled intake

Policy speech flags changes to regional migration program.

  • by David Crowe
'It hits a nerve': the politicisation of the population debate

'It hits a nerve': the politicisation of the population debate

Raw emotion and cold election calculus are helping to fuel a resurgent political debate over population growth that will have far-reaching consequences.

  • by Jessica Irvine
Population boom a boon, not a bane

Population boom a boon, not a bane

The growing pains should be seen as a problem rooted in Australia’s economic, social and multicultural richness and diversity.

Immigration nation: Bracing for 'Big Australia'

Immigration nation: Bracing for 'Big Australia'

This year Australia's people count ticked over 25 million - three decades earlier than experts planned. In our latest episode of Please Explain we're taking on the issue crying out to be addressed by Australians all over the country. 

  • by Tom McKendrick
NSW's suggested immigration cut alarms business and universities

NSW's suggested immigration cut alarms business and universities

The halving of net immigration to NSW could blow a $1 billion hole in the federal budget and have broader effects on the economy.

  • by Fergus Hunter & Lisa Visentin