No tree change: Melbourne's population to soar, sucking growth out of regions

No tree change: Melbourne's population to soar, sucking growth out of regions

Melbourne will take the bulk of Victoria's new residents, sucking all growth out of the state’s country areas over the next 50 years, new projections by the Bureau of Statistics show.

The capital city will potentially jump from its present size of 5 million to 6 million people in a decade.

Shenae Holloway, 26, recently moved from Brisbane to Melbourne.

Shenae Holloway, 26, recently moved from Brisbane to Melbourne. Credit:Eddie Jim

Australia's population is projected to hit 42 million by the year 2066, and is likely to reach 30 million around the end of the next decade, according to the latest official estimates.

Melbourne is expected to overtake Sydney as Australia's biggest city within 20 years, and would be home to 12 million people by 2066 under the highest growth scenario.


The population projections were released on Thursday by the bureau as part of its regular updates on the nation’s growth.

Melbourne’s focus as Victoria’s big city is set to continue, while the regions struggle to grow.

The Victorian Coalition in particular has run hard ahead of Saturday's state election on its plan to decentralise the popuation.

The projections came as the Morrison government flagged plans to cut the migration intake in a bid to ease congestion in the major cities.

Federal cities and population minister Alan Tudge was at pains to say the figures were "just projections based on past growth rates".

The figures show slightly slower population growth than the bureau projected in 2012, partly due to lower assumed immigration rates to Australia.

Demographer Liz Allen, from Australian National University, said that demonstrated population growth was "not a problem", and that "politicians will have to stop using population as a scapegoat for policy and funding failures".

Mr Tudge directed any blame for infrastructure provision failures to the states.

"The infrastructure and services that the states have prime responsibility for have not kept pace with this growth, resulting in roads which are choked and schools and hospitals that are full."

Victoria’s growth in recent years has been fuelled largely by overseas migration; in the year ending June 2017 there was a net increase of migrants of 90,000.


But there were also record numbers of migrants coming from interstate - more than 18,000 people moved to Melbourne from elsewhere in Australia.

Shenae Holloway, who came to Melbourne from Brisbane, said she had always wanted to move to the Victorian capital. "It’s that bit bigger, with a bit more culture," she said.

The 26-year-old was excited to get a marketing job, and lives in the city centre. "I’m loving it, there’s always something going on.

"When I first got here I was going to the footy, I’m eating out, going to bars … there are so many options, I’ve got a long list [of restaurants] I haven’t been to yet."

By the end of the bureau’s projections, in 2066, Ms Holloway will be in her mid-70s and Melbourne’s population would top 12 million under the most aggressive assumptions.

She said she was not sure where she would live then, although she was sure her AFL team had permanently moved from Brisbane to a Melbourne club. "I support Richmond," she said. "No one wants to support the Lions."

Clay Lucas is city editor for The Age. Clay has worked at The Age since 2005, covering state politics, urban affairs, transport, local government and workplace relations for The Age and Sunday Age.

Michael Koziol is the immigration and legal affairs reporter for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, based in Parliament House