Queensland resources create one new job every 40 minutes

Queensland resources create one new job every 40 minutes

The Queensland resources industry creates one new job every 40 minutes, as the sector is set to give the state a financial boost in next month's budget update.

Queensland Resources Council chief executive Ian Macfarlane said the total value of the industry was $62.9 billion, up from 14 per cent last year.

Queensland Resources Council chief executive Ian Macfarlane says the current state of the industry is different to the last mining boom.

Queensland Resources Council chief executive Ian Macfarlane says the current state of the industry is different to the last mining boom.Credit:Louie Douvis

He said the industry supported 316,000 full-time jobs in direct roles or associated industries.

"In fact, over the last 12 months, the resources sector has added the equivalent of a new job every 40 minutes," he told the Queensland Resources Council's annual lunch on Wednesday.


"It's not just diesel fitters and port workers but it's butchers, chefs, lawyers and environmental scientists that have jobs connected to the resources sector in communities right across the state."

Mr Macfarlane said the sector had contributed almost $600 billion, which was larger than the economy of Hong Kong.

"This year ... it's on track to deliver more than $5 billion in royalty taxes," he said.

"The bottom line is, that the resources industry is here for the long term - despite what a group of naysayers might want to believe or pretend is the case, we are here for some time to come yet."

Mr Macfarlane said this resources upturn was different to the last one.

"It's not associated with a construction phrase but rather is built from strong demand for our high-quality Queensland commodities, which means even with the inevitability of price cycles, this time our benefits should last longer," he said.


"The key is to keep exploring and keep producing."

Queensland Resources Council president Rag Udd said royalties were expected to deliver the state government an "even stronger budget position" in its Mid Year Fiscal and Economic Review, due in December.

Mr Macfarlane thanked the state government for its willingness to meet with the resources industry over rehabilitation laws which were passed last week.

"Despite significant concerns when the process started, we have achieved the objectives that we set out to achieve as did your government," he said.

"And I think that's called, in that terrible terminology, a win-win."

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, who spoke at the lunch, said negotiations relied on trust and good faith from all sides, and she was confident the new laws struck the right balance between a viable resources sector and the environment.

"I can tell you that the access to government data and modelling that was provided to industry was unprecedented," she said.

Ms Palaszczuk also took aim at the federal coalition government.

"Australia is crying out for a national energy policy," she said.

"With all the recent national debates that we've seen in relation to having a national energy policy, Minister [Mark] Bailey and now Minister [Anthony] Lynham have in a sense wasted years of their life, working through all of these policies and options for nothing to happen at a national level.

"When the next federal election is on, you need to think long and hard about a national energy policy and which government can deliver that for you."

The Queensland government has a target of a 50 per cent renewable generation by 2030.