Sally McManus escalates dispute over casual worker 'double dipping'

Sally McManus escalates dispute over casual worker 'double dipping'

The Australian Council of Trade Unions has announced plans to intervene in a test case that will decide whether casual workers are allowed to "double dip" on loadings and entitlements, in an escalation of the union movement's war with the government.

ACTU secretary Sally McManus announced on Thursday that the peak body for Australian unions was examining its legal options to take on Industrial Relations Minister Kelly O’Dwyer in the Federal Court, where the minister has intervened on behalf of the Commonwealth in the test case.

"We will not stand by and allow the minister to run roughshod over the rights of working people," Ms McManus said.

ACTU secretary Sally McManus is preparing to challenge Industrial Relations Minister Kelly O'Dwyer in court.

ACTU secretary Sally McManus is preparing to challenge Industrial Relations Minister Kelly O'Dwyer in court. Credit:AAP Image/ Joe Castro

"This minister is complaining that the consequences of ripping off workers are too much for business to bear. She has used the resources of the Commonwealth – taxpayer money – to side with big business against working people."


In a submission filed this week, Ms O'Dwyer asked the court to "expedite" the case between mining industry labour-hire firm WorkPac and its former worker Robert Rossato, which she hopes will prevent employees from "double dipping" on casual loadings and leave entitlements.

WorkPac is seeking a declaration that Mr Rossato was a casual employee and not entitled to annual leave, after being hit with an earlier ruling that a truck driver it employed on a casual basis, Paul Skene, was entitled to leave.

Employers are concerned that this leaves them open to claims for millions of dollars worth of unpaid entitlements, and that workers will effectively be able to "double dip" by claiming them on top of casual loadings.

Permanent employees are entitled to annual leave, sick pay, carers and compassionate leave, termination pay and redundancy pay under the employment standards, while casual are paid loadings of up to 25 per cent to compensate for these entitlements.

Ms O'Dwyer outlined two ways the court could resolve the "double dipping" issue: offsetting the casual loadings already paid to workers against any entitlements they are deemed to be owed; or making restitution orders to require such workers to pay back the loadings.

The minister said in her submission that resolving the issue was "of significant importance to Australian employers" who had paid a higher rate or casual loading to workers and assumed they were not due entitlements they would otherwise be owed under the national employment standards.

But Ms McManus blasted Ms O'Dwyer's decision to use taxpayer funds to bolster the case for employers.

"The minister has no understanding of what life is like for hundreds of thousands of workers who are forced into casual work against their will," she said.

"The practice of forcing people into casual work to avoid paying leave and other entitlements is systemic and is contributing to a national crisis of insecure work.

"We need more secure jobs in this country, not an employment minister who defends companies that rort the system and create insecure work."

A spokesperson for Ms O'Dwyer said "Sally McManus’ latest political attack is dishonest and devoid of any factual basis. It shows she is desperate to drive a political agenda to help Bill Shorten, not Australian workers."

The government is under pressure to resolve the "double dipping" issue before the federal election due by May next year.

Class action law firm Adero is preparing to file three separate cases next month by workers claiming $320 million against WorkPac and fellow mining industry labour-hire firms Hays Recruitment, Programmed and One Key Resources.

The firm has also applied to intervene in the WorkPac v Skene case, arguing on the basis of another former employee - and class action participant - that his suit should proceed before the court considers the "double dipping" argument.

Ms McManus said the minister was "trying to ensure that a rort which is ripping off hundreds of thousands of Australian workers is able to continue" and "should be honest about what she is doing".

"We have a national crisis of insecure work in this country and the best the government can come up with is to side with the big end of town in court cases," the union leader said.

"Kelly O’Dwyer is determined to do everything possible to get the employers over the line in this case. She should be standing up for working people and trying to address the national crisis of insecure work."

Ms O'Dwyer said in her submission that employers needed "certainty" about how casual loadings should be treated if an employee was subsequently found to be a permanent employee.

It comes as the government's union-busting Ensuring Integrity Bill remains held up in the Senate.

Dana is a federal politics reporter, covering health and industrial relations. Previously, she was a reporter for The Australian.