Politics | Federal State & International Politics Breaking News & Analysis | The Sydney Morning Herald


Australia's population projected to hit 42 million by 2066 as Melbourne overtakes Sydney

Australia's population projected to hit 42 million by 2066 as Melbourne overtakes Sydney

The Australian Bureau of Statistics projects Australia will accommodate another 5 million people by about the end of the next decade.

  • by Michael Koziol

Opinion & Perspectives



Cathy Wilcox
10 images

Best of Fairfax cartoons November 23, 2018

Fairfax Media's talented team of artists, illustrators and cartoonists give us their humorous version of the news of the day.

Ever the diplomat, star speaker Julie Bishop keeps mum on Liberal Party gossip

Ever the diplomat, star speaker Julie Bishop keeps mum on Liberal Party gossip

The former deputy PM attended at the “Bold Thinking” series, organised by La Trobe University, with the theme of politics, leadership and the Liberal Party.

  • by Miki Perkins

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