Energy generators cool on Coalition vow to build new power plant

Energy generators cool on Coalition vow to build new power plant

Victoria's biggest power providers have warned against a Coalition promise to underwrite a large new power station, arguing government intervention in the energy market could stifle private investment, with long-term consequences for customers.

On Monday, the Coalition promised to build a new power station for the state using gas or coal to meet the electricity needs of government services, including hospitals and public transport – while also shaving about $350 off the average annual household bill.

Opposition Leader Matthew Guy has promised to release a tender for a 500-megawatt power station that could be built as early as 2021.

Opposition Leader Matthew Guy.

Opposition Leader Matthew Guy. Credit:AAP Brendan McCarthy

But the owners of the state's existing coal-fired power plants cautioned against the proposed government intervention, arguing it could lead them to invest less in their existing plants, which still provide the bulk of Victoria's power.


“Government-supported investment, whether it is in renewables or other forms of generation, can have longer-term and unintended consequences," Australian Energy Council chief executive Sarah McNamara said.

Ms McNamara said the impacts of subsidising a large new power plant needed to be carefully considered so as not to stifle private investment in a new facility or discourage reinvestment in existing plants.

“We are going to get back control of energy costs in Victoria,” Mr Guy told reporters.

The Opposition Leader promised to take “direct action” to lower Victorians’ energy bills, estimating the new power station would deliver savings of $350 for the average household.

He said the bids would be assessed on cost, speed of delivery and environmental concerns.

The latest promise from the Coalition comes after the Andrews government announced last week it would increase Victoria’s renewable energy target from 40 per cent by 2025 to 50 per cent by 2030 if it wins the election on November 24.

The Coalition has pledged to scrap Victoria's renewable energy target.

Opposition energy spokesman David Southwick said independent modelling for the project was based on a gas-fired power station.

“We believe we can get a new power station into the market within a couple of years,” he said.

Mr Southwick said the modelling assumed the Yallourn power station would be closed within two years, although the plant has a technical end of life date of 2032.

The modelling, by Frontier Economics, suggests the Coalition’s proposal to sponsor the development of new “reliable capacity” is the least worst option, compared with the Andrews government’s strategy of allowing renewables to price fossil fuels out of the market.

The modelling predicts that Labor’s ambitious renewable energy targets would force the Yallourn power plant to close years before its scheduled end of life in 2032.

“This is because it will become very difficult for Yallourn to make sufficient revenues in the face of the influx of subsidised renewables expected in the Victorian market in the coming years."

But the modelling was dismissed by energy economist Bruce Mountain, the director of the Victoria Energy Policy Centre.

"In 2016 [Frontier Economics] predicted retail prices would increase 25 per cent after Hazelwood's closure, in practice they increased by around 10 per cent," Associate Professor Mountain said.

"This time [the] company predicts ... that wholesale prices will double overnight with Yallourn's closure," he said. "Does anyone take this sort of stuff seriously? I doubt it?"

Another energy analyst said if the new plant was powered by gas or coal it would likely raise prices compared with renewables.

“Building new gas and coal will lock in high-cost power, because renewables are cheaper now than the cost for a new coal plant; not the sweetheart deals the old plants are on,” Bruce Robertson, investment analyst for the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis, said.

Mr Southwick promised there would be no taxpayer money used to fund the facility.

He said the Latrobe Valley was the ideal place for a new power station to be built given power generation infrastructure was already in place.

“That’s been the home of cheap and reliable power for decades.”

Energy Minister Lily D'Ambrosio said the promise would benefit large energy companies

"Labor’s plan is supporting hardworking households put solar panels on their roofs rather than hand over taxpayers' money to big, greedy private energy companies," Ms D'Ambrosio said.