'Political posting mumma' who attacked Safe Schools warned over Facebook page

'Political posting mumma' who attacked Safe Schools warned over Facebook page

A woman recently elected as a Liberal Party delegate who runs a blog called "Political Posting Mumma" has been warned that her Facebook page is in breach of the electoral act because it has no authorisation statement.

Marijke Rancie, who was elected as a delegate for the Victorian Liberal Party in early May, became widely known last year after her videos attacking Safe Schools were shared millions of times in the lead up to the federal election.

Anti-Safe Schools campaigner and Liberal delegate Marijke Rancie.

Anti-Safe Schools campaigner and Liberal delegate Marijke Rancie.

The Age later revealed Ms Rancie, a born-again Mormon, became a Liberal Party member in early 2016.  Her political connections were not mentioned in the viral videos, which claimed Safe Schools was trying to "erase gender", expose children to dildos in the classroom, and teach them how to masturbate using household items.

Many of her claims have been dismissed as false by the Education Department.


In the lead-up to the Victorian state election on November 24, Ms Rancie has been posting photos on her Facebook page - which is categorised by the social media site as a personal blog - of Liberal Party supporters letter dropping and campaigning in different electorates.

On Monday, the Victorian Electoral Commission wrote to her on Facebook to say she could face fines due to the lack of authorisation on the page.

"The Victorian Electoral Commission notifies the owners of the page ‘Political Posting Mumma’ that it is in breach of the Electoral Act 2002, section 83," the message read.

"In order to comply with the Act, you need to include an authorisation statement on the page stating the name and address of the person authorising the material. Penalties apply if the page continues to be in breach."


In a statement provided to The Age, the VEC said social media, blogs and email communication containing electoral matter - content which is intended or likely to affect voting in an election - must be authorised.

"In particular, candidates and others involved in campaigning must ensure that: all websites/webpages are authorised; election-related postings to Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and other social media platforms are authorised or link directly to an authorisation statement; advertisements including sponsored links carry or directly link to an authorisation statement; and care is taken not to defame, threaten or harass any person."

Authorisations must include a name and address of the person who authorised the material. The penalty for non-compliance for an individual is 10 penalty units, or roughly $1600.

In a status on Facebook, Ms Rancie said she had been in touch with the VEC.

"I have just spoken to the VEC and it is so far not clear what exactly I have breached," she wrote late on Monday night.

"I am a mummy blogger and a volunteer who happens to be a conservative on the right side of politics. I am a grass roots member of the Liberal party and am campaigning for them a volunteer as I see them as the best option to get rid of queer gender theory and creepy sex programs that have infiltrated our schools by stealth. As well as fixing many other governance issues.

"I am not like GetUp or the unions who do the work for the party with personal finance and funding. I do not receive any money for my work or funding for my page. I do not officially speak for or on behalf of any political party and I am not running for Parliament.

"I also do not work as a staffer for an MP. My opinions and views are solely my own. If and when the breach is explained, I will rectify the situation as required. I will not be publishing my home or business address...for obvious reasons. My children’s safety is my priority."

In recent weeks, Ms Rancie has pledged her support for Liberal leader Matthew Guy.

"I have no idea what the results will be. Obviously I am hoping and praying that we will get rid of the worst government that our state has ever known. Time will tell," she wrote on the page on Saturday.

Last year, in a statement to Fairfax Media, Ms Rancie says she had never been interested in joining a political party "until Safe Schools invaded my kids", and that she posted her video "out of sheer frustration" because no one seemed to know what it was really about.

"[It's] a Trojan horse for transgender activism and gender theory and not really an anti-bullying program at all," she says. "The feedback has been incredibly supportive, apart from a few activists who are childless and seem to have a clear agenda."

However, those in the LGBTI community said the videos were filled with homophobic falsehoods, and were doing "untold damage" to children and their families, already reeling from the federal debate over marriage equality.

The Liberal Party declined to comment.

Simone is a breaking news reporter for The Age. Most recently she covered breaking news for The Australian in Melbourne.

State Political Correspondent for The Age