Growth gives Andrews the edge, as Guy pins his hopes on big city fears

Growth gives Andrews the edge, as Guy pins his hopes on big city fears

If Daniel Andrews leads Labor to victory on November 24, as seems probable, it will be for two main reasons. His government has been the first in 40 years to put serious money into upgrading Melbourne’s overburdened transport infrastructure. And the Victorian economy is churning out jobs.

In reality, neither story is quite as good as it seems. The infrastructure boost is only temporary – and the state government does not run the state economy. But both contain enough truth to give Labor a plausible narrative that goes down well.

Will economic growth hand Daniel Andrews victory on November 24?

Will economic growth hand Daniel Andrews victory on November 24?Credit:Jamie Brown

When we see the Premier on television, he is usually wearing a hard hat and fluoro vest at some transport project. He comes across as a man of action.

When the economy is doing well, the state government naturally claims the credit; and history shows the voters usually agree. When the Australian Bureau Statistics reports that Victoria now has the lowest unemployment rate of any state, who can deny it?


And infrastructure spending and rapid growth are linked. The bureau estimates that in the last financial year, real spending by Victorian households, business and government shot up by 5 per cent – by far the fastest growth of any state – partly because public investment in new transport infrastructure shot up by a stunning 81 per cent.

Voters like it. For decades, Victorian governments from both sides – and Federal governments, particularly this one – have underinvested in Victoria’s roads and rail. It is a long time since the Hamer government was simultaneously building the underground rail loop, the West Gate bridge and the Eastern Freeway.

Action man: The Premier, complete with hard hat.

Action man: The Premier, complete with hard hat.Credit:AAP

But in 2017-18, Victoria’s transport investment (measured as a share of total economic activity) finally matched that of other states. The government spent a record $5.6 billion to build new or better roads and rail, twice the average of recent years. This year that will soar much higher again.

Good news? Sure – as long as the investment costs us less than the benefits it brings. Voters want governments to build things. The Coalition simply promises a different set of projects instead.

But both the infrastructure boom and the economic boom reflect the defining reality of Victoria now. The state’s population is growing at an unprecedented pace, mostly from overseas migration.

And that has changed our society, changed our economy – and changed our political priorities.

Matthew Guy is making an issue of population growth, and all that it brings.

Matthew Guy is making an issue of population growth, and all that it brings.Credit:Daniel Pockett

If Matthew Guy leads the Coalition to victory on November 24, it will be largely because Victorians think population growth is too high.

A Newspoll this week reported that 65 per cent of Victorians think the population is growing too quickly; only 23 per cent disagree. Whether the issue is congestion, house prices or crime, population growth is at the heart of them. And Guy is making the most of it.


September saw a milestone. On Bureau of Statistics estimates, Melbourne’s population passed 5 million. In the year to June 2017 alone, the city added almost 130,000 people. No Australian city has ever grown by so much, so quickly. And that population growth has generated economic growth, and social tensions.

In 2016-17, Melbourne was Australia’s fastest-growing city (excluding those with fewer than 50,000 people). Its population grew by 2.74 per cent, almost twice as fast as the rest of the nation (1.44 per cent). But Geelong was only a short half-head behind it, and Ballarat, Bendigo and Albury-Wodonga were all in the top 10.

Two days before election day, the bureau will release updated population projections for the next 50 years. They will project that Melbourne’s population will reach 10 million in that time, maybe sooner. What kind of city will it be? How do our politicians plan to shape that growth?

Essentially, Labor’s strategy is to build more infrastructure – the Melbourne Metro rail tunnel, the North-East Link, the outer ring railway (laughably costed at $50 billion), high-speed rail to Geelong, Ballarat and Bendigo, removing level crossings and so on. But it has yet to explain how it will pay for it – given its commitment to limit state debt to 6 per cent of gross state product.

Its own forward estimates project that infrastructure spending will shrink by almost half in the next three years, to keep the state within that debt limit.

Its advisory body Infrastructure Victoria and the Federal government have proposed that to reduce costs, it impose one-off charges on home owners and businesses that benefit from the infrastructure – ‘‘value capture’’ – and the Coalition now shamelessly pretends that this is Labor policy.

In fact, there is no Labor policy. Its choices are to raise taxes to pay for the infrastructure we need; to borrow the money and accept losing the state’s AAA credit rating; to use tools like value capture, road tolls and congestion charges to defray the cost – or just go back to building less infrastructure than we need. If it has made that choice, it has not told us.

Many economists have urged state governments to bite the bullet and borrow to build, accepting a lower credit rating, while money is so cheap to borrow. But the only government that has done so, Anna Bligh’s Labor government in Queensland, was pilloried by the opposition and media, and booted from office.


In reality, whether governments are rated AAA or AA makes little difference to their interest bills, but the fear of being judged fiscally irresponsible has ruled out sensible policy.

The Coalition of course faces exactly the same choices. And it is equally firm that it will not give up the AAA rating.

But Guy says he would use planning restrictions, tax breaks and immigration controls to try to shift growth from Melbourne to the regions. The Coalition would build less infrastructure in Melbourne, and more in regional Victoria – including high-speed rail on four lines, upgrades to all other lines, and reopening four lines closed by the Kennett government (all that laughably costed at $15 billion to $19 billion).

Some of it stretches credibility. We remember the 2010 election, when the Coalition promised to build a rail line to Avalon, and implied it would build lines to Doncaster and Rowville; none of them happened. And even if they did, would it make a difference to where people choose to live?

The positive is that population growth makes economic activity and jobs grow faster. Melbourne and Victoria gain a higher profile and count for more in business decisions. Most of those coming here are young people, who for some reason keep having children, which sustains population growth into the future.

But we all know the negatives too. Melbourne’s population has grown by roughly half in this century. Its road space has grown barely at all – and more cars into the same space equals growing congestion.

More commuters on the same number of trains and trams means we stand where we once sat. High infrastructure investment can offset this, but we haven’t had that until now.

Rising overseas migration is one of the factors that has driven up rents and house prices, making housing unaffordable. And making it easy for firms to bring in skilled migrants reduces the incentive for them to train their own.

Record skilled migration has seen dramatic falls in apprenticeships.

A recent report by Federal Treasury and the Department of Home Affairs found that in the previous five years, 72.4 per cent of net growth in full-time jobs went to recent migrants.

Relatively few went to the Australian-born – and in a decade, young Australians lost more than 100,000 full-time jobs.

And then there is the issue of African youth gangs. It’s way outside the ambit of this article, but John Silvester penned a wise assessment recently. It clearly affects voters’ attitudes to migrant-led population growth. They want less of it.

But the state has no power over population growth. The Federal government controls the levels of skilled and refugee migration (and the resources to help refugees integrate).

It sets the rules which determine how many foreign students come here, and how many stay on to become permanent residents – both of which have played a big part in Victoria’s population growth.


Matthew Guy has tried to sidestep this hurdle by proposing a Population Commission to set population limits for areas where population growth is outpacing the provision of infrastructure and essential services. He also wants Canberra to give the states an equal say in deciding who comes to the country (good luck with that one!)

The Coalition’s priority is to redirect growth to the regions.

The Andrews government in the May budget took a big step in that direction by halving the rate of payroll tax for firms based outside Melbourne.

Guy now proposes to reduce that to 1 per cent of the wage bill for country firms, against 4.85 per cent in Melbourne. A similar policy under the Hamer government proved sadly ineffective. But the need is real.

One stunning statistic has gone unnoticed: a study cited in a recent report by the Victorian Auditor-General estimated that in the decade to 2016, economic output actually shrank in half of Victoria’s 48 regional municipalities.

Young people are moving out, those left are ageing, and few migrants go to the bush.

In the financial year just ended, Victorian councils approved 75,791 new homes – a third of the national total. Five in every six of them, however, were in Melbourne, and most of those in regional Victoria were in Geelong, the Surf Coast, or on Melbourne’s fringe.

Melbourne City Council approved 7360 new homes. Far away in the Mallee, Buloke council, based in Wycheproof, approved two.

State governments are the biggest player in each state’s economy. But let’s be honest. The Federal government and the Reserve Bank run the economy – not the states. They control most of the domestic levers, and the global economy does the rest.

Sometimes these work out well for Victoria, and the state government basks in the credit.

Sometimes they work out badly, and state governments are blamed for things beyond their control.

The Cain government copped the blame for a recession caused by the Reserve Bank and the Hawke/Keating government. And a few years back, the Baillieu/Napthine government was blamed when Victoria’s unemployment soared and per capita output fell because the RBA let the dollar leap to $US1.05 and stay there, making many firms uncompetitive.

The bank finally backtracked, with 10 interest rate cuts. Mineral prices declined, growth rebounded in the US and Europe, and the value of the Aussie dollar fell from $US1.05 to 75 US cents. Producing things in Australia became viable again, and Victoria is reaping the gains.

In the four years of the Baillieu/Napthine government, the bureau estimates, Victoria gained just 52,000 full-time jobs. In almost four years of the Andrews government, it has gained 274,000.

Total employment rose by 147,000 under the Coalition, 374,000 under Labor. You can see why Labor wants to claim the credit, but in reality, it’s not driving the train.

The times suit Victoria now. High migration and low interest rates have pushed construction activity to record levels – and construction is a huge driver of economic activity.

The falling dollar has revived exports: merchandise exports grew 16.5 per cent in the two years to September, spending by international students has doubled in five years to about $10 billion a year, and earnings from other service exports have grown by almost half.

Melbourne is home to the thriving superannuation industry, and has more than its share of fast-growing industries such as health and welfare, finance, professional and consulting services.

As the mining investment boom collapsed, sectors such as these have propelled our economy on. And the Andrews government is spending big.

Data released by the bureau on Thursday showed the number of state employees jumped by almost 11 per cent in the four years to June, and their wage bill rose 26.5 per cent – double the equivalent growth in other states.

Stamp duty from property sales has swollen the state's coffers.

Stamp duty from property sales has swollen the state's coffers.Credit:Chris Hopkins

It’s been good for the economy, but it raises concerns for the budget if the property downturn continues.

The long boom in Melbourne house prices has made stamp duty on property transfers the state’s biggest tax.

Even with house prices and sales falling, it is forecast to raise $7.1 billion this year, and only slightly less in coming years. But a 10 per cent fall in prices would cut $1 billion a year off that, and a 10 per cent fall in sales volumes would cut another $700 million a year.

A key part of our recent history is that, in round figures, the Valuer-General’s figures show that the median Melbourne house cost $90,000 in 1987, $142,000 in 1997, $372,000 in 2007 and $720,000 in 2017.

House price inflation has been far more restrained in the rest of Victoria, but even there, the median price has soared in that time from $60,000 to $343,000.

It has created a sense of rising wealth – largely illusory, since we usually buy in the same market as we sell – and underpinned state budgets, but it has meant many Victorians can no longer afford to buy their own home.

The monthly data from Core Logic RP Data shows Melbourne prices so far have fallen only 4.7 per cent from their peak – but AMP chief economist Shane Oliver has forecast that they will fall 20 per cent before rebounding.

Sales volumes are dropping much faster. So far it’s an ‘‘orderly’’ decline, but it might not stay that way – particularly if there is trouble in China, where many of our homeowners live.

For now, though, the outlook is serene. The previous Coalition government was unlucky in its timing. The Andrews government has been lucky.

It has made good use of its luck by building a lot of much-needed infrastructure. But the rapid population growth that makes that infrastructure so necessary is unpopular – and outside the control of any state government.