They smell, clothes appear to be fifth hand too. There's this horrid skin condition most of them hos...t, could be contagious - hence the masks? I'll level with you. I was scared.

Most if not all appear to be anaemic; I'm not sure if that's down to their rather strange microwave food diet, or what gender they are on any given day, whatever.

Dietary issues, not overweight as such, more underweight, greasy skin and hair, nails are often filthy, brittle, or bitten right down. In respect of the males; there's this rather potent smell of Fromunda Cheese? I've also witnessed signs of such cheese disorder around femmes openings too. I felt physically sick and ran away very briefly.

In house qualities are extremely grotesque; normal riffraff; Happy Shopper food packets strewn about the place, bins overflowing with cheese flavoured microwave noodles. I'll leave it at that. Kitchens were something out of a two girls one cup production. I was left blinded for a period of time.

Language qualities are somewhat interesting, stringing the British language together is a tad challenging for them. One is often greeted with derogatory abuse, i.e: bigot, fascist, racist, Islamophobe, sexist, followed up with "racist scum off my streets."

All in all I rate this youth hostel a ruddy good 5 stars. I feel they need a hug, a big one, you know, tight, very tight. There doesn't seem to be any parental love in the air, I'm going with my intuitions here, that they're all from dysfunctional family setups?

However in respect of other lefty house mates, I noticed their parents were cops, lawyers, judges, fox hunters, barristers, some even bent MP's. Which would probably explain the facial masks.

Would I stay again? I don't know. Maybe in a tent a few miles away. The bedsits smelt of stale poppers, urine, unwashed clothes, with a hint of gusset sweat. Okay for some, a tad overpowering for me while I'm eating my super noodles with a filthy mug of chamomile smeg.

Has parking facilities which is advantageous. Stay clear of the toilets and only enter the kitchen if you love botulism.

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The Stimulator cut its vacation to weigh in on the events in Charlottesville