Von 3 Personen empfohlen
should try not posting fake news
We shouldn't be racist we should stand together about fascists and extremists
„We shouldn't be racist we should stand together  about fascists and extremists“

We need a more honest discussion about the role of the mainstream media in facilitating hate

And before you Fairfax readers say ‘I told you so’, they didn’t fare all that much better. Michael Brull reviews a stunning study released by the One Path Network. Loyal readers of New Matilda should remember One Path Network, a Muslim video production studio and media company in Sydney. They ...

Our thoughts are with the people of New Zealand and our hope is that this never happens again

Terrorism and murder can come from any community if we allow hate to fester. Always challenge extremist views if you see them on social media and if you think someone is being radicalised, report them to the police.