Education | Latest News & Analysis | The Canberra Times


How political correctness is changing education, according to Abbott, Jones and Donnelly

How political correctness is changing education, according to Abbott, Jones and Donnelly

There is something sinister going on in Australian classrooms. That was the consensus of a former prime minister, a former curriculum reviewer and a radio broadcaster.

  • by Pallavi Singhal


These kids are going on strike to protest the 'climate emergency'
Global warming

These kids are going on strike to protest the 'climate emergency'

Nia and Iolo Cornthwaite will be among a group of Canberra school students protesting government inaction on climate change at a Parliament House rally.

  • by Dan Jervis-Bardy
Healthy competition benefits all schools, says Catholic schools chief

Healthy competition benefits all schools, says Catholic schools chief

School funding is based on many factors and it may surprise some people that religion is not one of them. Understanding four basic facts helps explain why.

  • by Dallas McInerney
Bilingual schools teaching maths, science in a foreign language

Bilingual schools teaching maths, science in a foreign language

At his school in Sydney's northern suburbs, Felix Scholle, 12, is taught maths, biology, art, music and sport entirely in German.

  • by Pallavi Singhal
'Sterile and technical': the problem with primary school report cards

'Sterile and technical': the problem with primary school report cards

When it comes to school reports, keeping parents and teachers happy is a delicate balancing act.

  • by Jordan Baker
Parents want clear, easy to understand school reports

Parents want clear, easy to understand school reports

They want to know what their children can and cannot do, and they want to know in plain English.

'Could do better': report cards face overhaul

'Could do better': report cards face overhaul

Report cards may be overhauled to reflect Gonski emphasis on student improvement.

  • by Jordan Baker
ACT schools are Australia's most advantaged, so why are they falling behind?

ACT schools are Australia's most advantaged, so why are they falling behind?

Canberra's socioeconomic advantage has long masked the true state of its school system. We asked experts why our schools lag behind.

  • by Sherryn Groch
Why a Canberra school dropping Indonesian sparked international uproar

Why a Canberra school dropping Indonesian sparked international uproar

A student who discovered his school was looking to scrap its Indonesian language course found himself at the centre of a potential international incident.

  • by Sherryn Groch
Virtual selective school goes to the top of the class

Virtual selective school goes to the top of the class

A virtual selective school is out-performing its real-life counterparts in science.

  • by Jordan Baker
The post-HSC dilemma: How to choose the right university course

The post-HSC dilemma: How to choose the right university course

Looking at what students with similar HSC courses have done at uni could stop high school leavers making the wrong choice, reduce attrition rates and raise scores.

  • by Pallavi Singhal