Recipe search results for "vegetarian"

Showing 375+ recipe search results

Murdoch Recipe Article Lead - narrow


Vegetarian sushi

A recipe from the Good Food collection.

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Murdoch Recipe Article Lead - narrow


Vegetarian barley soup

If you like a bit of heat in your dishes, add ¼ teaspoon of dried chilli flakes to this recipe, or ...

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Vegetarian pizza rounds

These versatile lunchbox winners are the perfect substitute for a sandwich. Why not get creative with ...

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Special vegetarian fried rice.


Special vegetarian fried rice

Cook the rice ahead of time, allow it to cool, then spread out on a tray lined with plastic film. ...

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Vegetarian and gluten-free eggplant bake.


Vegetarian eggplant bake

The eggplant takes the place of pasta sheets in this lovely, gluten-free recipe. As this is such a simple ...

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Vegetarian dumplings.


Open vegetarian dumplings

The sweet plum sauce comes in a similar bottle to sweet chilli sauce and is fairly light in colour. It is ...

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