National | Australian News | The Canberra Times


'Farewell old buddy, I’ll miss you': City celebrates Sisto Malaspina

'Farewell old buddy, I’ll miss you': City celebrates Sisto Malaspina

More than 1300 mourners fill St Patrick's Cathedral to honour the popular restaurateur, killed in Bourke Street just 11 days ago.

  • by Konrad Marshall


Crisis talks under way amid threats to cancel all elective surgeries at new hospital

Crisis talks under way amid threats to cancel all elective surgeries at new hospital

Specialists at Northern Beaches Hospital have called a crisis meeting and anaesthetists concerned about patient safety have threatened to cancel all elective surgeries.

  • by Kate Aubusson
New mental health facility could care for extreme cyber-bullying cases

New mental health facility could care for extreme cyber-bullying cases

The new $27 million replacement for the demolished Barrett Adolescent Centre for young people with mental health issues may help with cyber-bullying cases, Queensland's former chief psychiatrist says.

  • by Tony Moore



Tattersall's members to decide whether women should be members

Tattersall's members to decide whether women should be members

  • by Felicity Caldwell

Annette Mason inquest told of jailhouse confession

  • by Sonia Kohlbacher

Western Australia

End of an era: Houghton Wines moves production to Nannup

End of an era: Houghton Wines moves production to Nannup

  • by David Prestipino

The day Australia's whaling harpoons stopped for good

  • by Chris Pash

'What a roar!': Giant fig tree partially collapses at UWA

  • by Franziska Rimrod

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