
The Peterloo Massacre - BBC Discussion

Cruikshanks sketch of a satirical monument to the Yeomanry

A Radio Four discussion by Melvyn Bragg and three historians about the Peterloo Massacre. The discussions attempts to show that bloody day in August 1819 in the context of growing social and political tension and resistance. As such it also covers other personalities and events both before and after Peterloo that are often overlooked.

Michael bakunin against Insurrectionism - René Berthier

an article that criticizes the idea that Bakunin was a insurectonary-anarchist

Taking stock: Reflections on the uncertain likelihood of a European revolution – Miguel Amorós

A 2018 assessment of the prospects for a communist revolution in Europe, where the “logic of the commodity and of unbridled economic development has so profoundly penetrated society that it has successfully prevented the appearance of any collective revolutionary subject”, in a situation in which “thinking constitutes the most radical and daring act, and also the one that arouses the most suspicion and hostility” but also one in which the elements for “a rigorous historical vision” (“ecological critique, anti-development analysis, anthropological studies and value theory”) are present, which could serve as the basis of orientation for “authentic revolutionary thought”.

Pier Paolo Pasolini interviewed by Louis Valentin (1970)

Maria Callas and Pier Paolo Pasolini on the set of Medea

A 1970 interview with Pier Paolo Pasolini, on the youth revolt of the sixties, culture, love, his film “Oedipus Rex”, the heterosexual couple, homosexuality, and more.

Pier Paolo Pasolini Interviewed by Enzo Biagi for the Italian television network RAI on July 27, 1971

A 1971 interview with a pessimistic Pier Paolo Pasolini, in which he discusses consumer society, the emptiness of success, television as an authoritarian mass medium, eroticism, the conformism of the intellectuals, and his enigmatic relation with the Gospel.

Corsair Writings - Pier Paolo Pasolini

Pier Paolo Pasolini

A collection of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s controversial articles and interviews from 1973-1975 on the “anthropological revolution” that transformed Italy during the 1960s and early 1970s, with its “development without progress”, “consumerist hedonism”, “false tolerance”, mass culture, impoverishment of language, neurosis, destruction of traditional peasant cultures (“cultural genocide”), “strategy of tension”, and phony anti-fascism, signaling the decline of the old fascism and the rise of a new, “permissive” fascism, a “Power without a face” that is the “worst kind of totalitarianism”.