New Feature: Mobile Device Stats

Mobile Device stats are now available for all StatCounter members.

When viewing your stats, you can access this new statistic by choosing “Browsers” in the left menu bar and then “Mobile Device” at the top of the page.

Given the increasing usage of mobile devices to access the internet, we’re very pleased to be able to offer you, our members, this new statistic.

(For further information on mobile usage visit the StatCounter Global Stats site and view a graph of worldwide mobile v desktop activity or look at individual countries e.g. India or Nigeria. For other regions, simply choose from the dropdown list.)

This stat will help you to identify the individual mobile devices which are most commonly used to access your site. Use this information to optimise your site for mobile OR to establish if there is a problem accessing your site from certain devices.

Please bear in mind that this stat is a work-in-progress and we plan to add further functionality in the coming weeks. Please also make sure to send us your feedback and ideas so that we can refine and improve the Mobile Device stat to suit your needs.

Click any Mobile Vendor name (e.g. Apple or Motorola) to display a breakdown of the individual devices (as illustrated above).

As always – your comments are welcome below. Thanks folks.


  • If you have a mobile device, please consider contributing to our Mobile Detection project. Please visit this link using your mobile device and let us know any updates or changes we should make.
  • Apologies for the hiatus of posts on the blog… one minute it was December 2011 then suddenly through a mist of mobile stats and detection work we find ourselves in May 2012 without a single blog post having been done in the interim! We will try hard not to let that happen again… 😉

Bing Overtakes Yahoo!

Microsoft’s Bing overtook Yahoo! as the number two search engine in the United States and worldwide on Thursday (4th June) according to our StatCounter Global Stats data. Bing grabbed market share from Google.

“It remains to be seen if Bing falls away after the initial novelty and promotion but at first sight it looks like Microsoft is on to a winner,” commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. “Steve Ballmer is quoted as saying that he wanted Microsoft to become the second biggest search engine within five years. Following the breakdown in talks to acquire Yahoo! at a cost of $40bn it looks as if he may have just achieved that with Bing much sooner and a lot cheaper than anticipated.”

Our analysis finds that in the US Bing leapfrogged Yahoo to take second place on 16.28%. Yahoo! has 10.22%. Google still commands the US search engine market with 71.47%.

Globally Bing at 5.62% has taken a narrow lead over Yahoo! (5.13%). Google worldwide retains 87.62% of the market.

StatCounter Global Stats, a free online service which captures market share battles of search engines, browsers and operating systems including mobile, was launched in March this year.

The StatCounter Global Stats research data is based on four billion pageloads per month. Other regional and country breakdowns can be viewed at:

Full press release available here.

UPDATE 11 June 2009:
While Bing has fallen back to third place behind Google and Yahoo! it is winning market share for Microsoft against its two main rivals in the US and worldwide according to our latest analysis.

We analyzed search engine market share two weeks before and after the formal launch of Bing on May 28th (14th May to the 27th May and the 28th May to 10th June). For the US market it found:
Google decreased from 78.68% to 77.94% (-0.74%)
Yahoo decreased from 11.46% to 10.76% (-0.7%)
Microsoft (Bing, MSN Search and Live Search) increased from 7.4% to 9% (+1.6%)
(See here and here)

“It is too early to say what the long term result will be but this is a creditable performance by Bing,” commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO StatCounter. “It remains to be seen what happens to Bing after user curiosity and the reported $100m advertising budget runs out.”

Worldwide, comparing the two weeks before and after the Bing launch, StatCounter reports a similar trend with Microsoft taking market share.
Google decreased from 89.81% to 89.69% (-0.12%)
Yahoo decreased from 5.34% to 5.1% (-0.24%)
Microsoft (Bing, MSN Search and Live Search) increased from 3.08% to 3.5% (+0.42%)
(See here and here)

Full press release available here.

FF3 Gains Ground on IE

Mozilla Firefox 3 overtook Microsoft’s Internet logosExplorer 6 for the first time in February in the Internet Browser Wars according to monthly data from StatCounter Global Stats – our new free analysis tool.

Internet Explorer 7 continues to lead globally with 41% market share. However, Firefox 3 is now in second place with 24% replacing IE 6.


Click here to view full size graph.

“Since its launch less than a year ago, Firefox 3 has attained nearly one quarter of the global market,” commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO and founder, StatCounter. “IE 7 is consistently holding about 40% of the global market but IE 6 has fallen from 28% in July last to 22% in February this year.”**

The growth in usage of Firefox 3 can be partly attributed to users upgrading to the new version – Firefox 2 market share has fallen from 16% to 3% in the period.

Microsoft’s combined IE 7 and IE 6 market share has fallen from 68% in July last year to 63% now. IE 8 has gained a toehold in the market of just over 1%. Firefox 3 and 2 has grown from 25% in July last to 27% in February 2009.

** Source: Figures based on monthly StatCounter Global Stats analysis.

Launch of Free Global Stats Tool

StatCounter is delighted to announce the launch of our new free Global Stats tool. The tool records market share of Search Engines, Browsers and Operating Systems including mobile.


You can use StatCounter Global Stats to monitor issues such as:

  • how Google’s new browser Chrome is doing against Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • how the iPhone is succeeding against traditional market leader Nokia in the mobile browser market – see iPhone Takes Global Lead in Mobile Browser Wars press release

Click here to access StatCounter Global Stats!


The analysis is currently based on four billion pageloads per month and is updated approximately five times per day.

Users can:

  • Create and customize charts
  • Download graphs
  • Access the raw data
  • Sign up for alerts

“This is probably the most comprehensive global web analysis you can get and certainly for free,” commented former Gartner senior executive, Oisin Byrne who now heads independent tech research company, iReach. “StatCounter is shaking up the web research market by being able to provide such comprehensive statistics at no cost to users.”

There is no charge for use of the data or charts but users must reference StatCounter as the source.


Press Queries to:
Kerri Crowley/Ronnie Simpson (Simpson Financial & Technology PR)

Chrome Latest Stats – Global/US/UK

Hi folks,

As many of you requested, here are updated browser usage stats. We’ve broken the stats down into Global, US and UK figures. These stats are based on a total sample for the period of over 450 million page views globally. All daily stats are based on the relevant GMT 24 hour periods.

Global Stats – Browser Usage
IE Firefox Safari Chrome Other
Sep 01 66.92% 25.26% 2.99% n/a 4.84%
Sep 02* 67.58% 24.36% 2.91% n/a 5.06%
change 0.66% (0.90%) (0.08%) n/a 0.22%
Sep 03 67.81% 23.54% 2.70% 1.11% 4.87%
change 0.23% (0.82%) (0.21%) 1.11% (0.19%)
Sep 04 68.59% 23.20% 2.56% 1.16% 4.51%
change 0.78% (0.34%) (0.14%) 0.05% (0.36%)
Sep 05 68.44% 23.22% 2.56% 1.12% 4.66%
change (0.15%) 0.02% 0.00% (0.04%) 0.15%
Sep 06 65.46% 25.43% 2.81% 1.16% 5.14%
change (2.98%) 2.21% 0.25% 0.04% 0.48%
Sep 07 63.15% 26.69% 3.02% 1.18% 5.96%
change (2.31%) 1.26% 0.21% 0.02% 0.82%
Sep 08 65.89% 24.46% 2.69% 1.10% 5.86%
change 2.74% (2.23%) (0.33%) (0.08%) (0.10%)
Sep 09 66.27% 24.17% 2.66% 1.07% 5.83%
change 0.38% (0.29%) (0.03%) (0.03%) (0.03%)
Sep 10 66.28% 24.31% 2.62% 1.05% 5.75%
change 0.01% 0.14% (0.04%) (0.02%) (0.08%)
Sep 11 66.67% 23.95% 2.59% 1.02% 5.77%
change 0.39% (0.36%) (0.03%) (0.03%) 0.02%
Total Change (0.25%) (1.31%) (0.40%) 1.02% 0.93%

*The Chrome browser was launched late in the day GMT time on Sept 2nd so the first full day of tracking for Chrome is Sept 3rd.

Other – this includes numerous browsers including Konqueror, Opera, Playstation, Blackberry, Iphone, Seamonkey etc.

US Stats – Browser Usage
IE Firefox Safari Chrome Other
Sep 01 61.88% 28.02% 5.77% N/A 4.32%
Sep 02* 64.92% 25.81% 5.31% N/A 3.86%
change 3.04% (2.21%) (0.46%) n/a (0.46%)
Sep 03 64.84% 24.94% 5.31% 0.98% 3.90%
change (0.08%) (0.87%) 0.00% 0.98% 0.04%
Sep 04 66.48% 23.92% 4.88% 1.13% 3.57%
change 1.64% (1.02%) (0.43%) 0.15% (0.33%)
Sep 05 65.85% 24.44% 5.07% 1.08% 3.55%
change (0.63%) 0.52% 0.19% (0.05%) (0.02%)
Sep 06 62.74% 26.51% 5.66% 1.05% 4.05%
change (3.11%) 2.07% 0.59% (0.03%) 0.50%
Sep 07 60.64% 28.00% 6.26% 1.07% 4.04%
change (2.10%) 1.49% 0.60% 0.02% (0.01%)
Sep 08 63.17% 26.42% 5.57% 1.02% 3.84%
change 2.53% (1.58%) (0.69%) (0.05%) (0.20%)
Sep 09 64.46% 25.49% 5.33% 0.99% 3.73%
change 1.29% (0.93%) (0.24%) (0.03%) (0.11%)
Sep 10 63.94% 25.99% 5.29% 1.03% 3.74%
change (0.52%) 0.50% (0.04%) 0.04% 0.01%
Sep 11 66.32% 24.07% 4.99% 0.96% 3.65%
change 2.38% (1.92%) (0.30%) (0.07%) (0.09%)
Total Change 4.44% (3.95%) (0.78%) 0.96% (0.67%)

*The Chrome browser was launched late in the day GMT time on Sept 2nd so the first full day of tracking for Chrome is Sept 3rd.

Other – this includes numerous browsers including Konqueror, Opera, Playstation, Blackberry, Iphone, Seamonkey etc.

UK Stats – Browser Usage
IE Firefox Safari Chrome Other
Sep 01 68.33% 22.77% 4.09% N/A 4.80%
Sep 02* 67.95% 23.13% 3.96% N/A 4.79%
change (0.38%) 0.36% (0.13%) n/a (0.01%)
Sep 03 70.02% 21.34% 3.26% 1.12% 4.26%
change 2.07% (1.79%) (0.70%) 1.12% (0.53%)
Sep 04 69.22% 21.91% 3.31% 1.27% 4.28%
change (0.80%) 0.57% 0.05% 0.15% 0.02%
Sep 05 69.33% 21.81% 3.18% 1.10% 4.59%
change 0.11% (0.10%) (0.13%) (0.17%) 0.31%
Sep 06 67.73% 22.91% 3.41% 1.15% 4.79%
change (1.60%) 1.10% 0.23% 0.05% 0.20%
Sep 07 67.83% 23.11% 3.31% 1.16% 4.59%
change 0.10% 0.20% (0.10%) 0.01% (0.20%)
Sep 08 69.04% 22.20% 3.32% 0.99% 4.44%
change 1.21% (0.91%) 0.01% (0.17%) (0.15%)
Sep 09 69.34% 21.83% 3.23% 0.89% 4.71%
change 0.30% (0.37%) (0.09%) (0.10%) 0.27%
Sep 10 69.14% 21.92% 3.19% 1.02% 4.73%
change (0.20%) 0.09% (0.04%) 0.13% 0.02%
Sep 11 68.71% 22.41% 3.16% 1.01% 4.73%
change (0.43%) 0.49% (0.03%) (0.01%) 0.00%
Total Change 0.38% (0.36%) (0.93%) 1.01% (0.07%)

*The Chrome browser was launched late in the day GMT time on Sept 2nd so the first full day of tracking for Chrome is Sept 3rd.

Other – this includes numerous browsers including Konqueror, Opera, Playstation, Blackberry, Iphone, Seamonkey etc.