Archive | July, 2012

No One Is Illegal Support for the 3rd Annual Unis’tot’en Camp

19 Jul

– please note this is a TICKETED event –

When: Monday July 30, 2012. Door at 6:30 pm, starts at 7 pm
Cost: $20-25 per picket
Location: Grandview Calvary Baptist Church, 1803 East 1st Ave (just east
of Commercial Drive).

Please join us in a fundraiser to support the 3rd Annual Unis’tot’en
Action Camp against proposed and approved mining and pipeline projects in
Wet’suwet’en territory. The camp dates are August 6 – 10 and will see a
lot of activities around building solidarity and planning.


Doors at 6:30 pm. Dinner at 7 pm: Meat and vegan options. Most dishes are
also gluten and dairy free. If you have questions please email

* Omar from Palestine on Dum Tek Drum
* Harjap Grewal will provide a short update on the Unis’tot’en Action Camp
* Oil Gateway: A short film by Frank Lopez that documents how members of
the Unis’toten nation are pre-empting the construction of 4 pipelines
through their traditional territories.
* and featuring Beverly Jacobs (Gowehgyuseh), born into the Bear Clan of
the Mohawk Nation in Six Nations territory. Beverly has been working for
decades on Indigenous women’s issues, including as lead researcher on the
Stolen Sisters Report. Beverly will be speaking on the intersection of
gendered and colonial violence.

Tickets are $20-25 each and we need to sell 50-60 tickets.
Your ticket includes:
* Dinner, salad, dessert, drinks.
* Information and updates on the Unis’tot’en Action Camp
* An evening of solidarity and resistance with allies

No One Is Illegal is helping to fundraiser for this camp, in particular by
raising funds to support members of other Indigenous communities affected
by resource extraction to be able to attend this important camp. We
believe we must all proactively support opportunities for
relationship-building between grassroots Indigenous communities.

As written by the Lhe Lin Liyin, who are hosting the camp: “Our
communities and nations are at the forefront of land defense against
resource extraction, oil and gas development, mining projects, and
corporate land theft. These colonial developments have had a devastating
impact on our water, salmon, food base, spiritual sites, cultural
well-being, traditional livelihoods, children and future generations. But
we have been resisting since time immemorial and by uniting our
resistance, we are stronger.”

We will also be doing a food drive for the Unis’tot’en Action Camp. If you
can, please bring non-perishable/dry/packaged sugar, coffee, pasta, beans,
and rice to the dinner.

We are aiming to raise $1200 through this fundraiser, and so we need you –
our grassroots friends, communities, allies – to buy a ticket and spread
the word. Your donation will directly support Indigenous delegations who
need travel funds to participate in the Unis’tot’en Action Camp, as well
as the Unis’tot’en Action Camp.

Hosted by No One Is Illegal-Vancouver Coast Salish Territories and Streams
of Justice. For more information email or call 778 885

Accessibility info: Grandview Calvary Baptist Church’s kitchen’s entrance
is at street level, which gives access to washrooms, kitchen and lower
hall. The women’s washroom has a stall that can accommodate a wheelchair.
The washroom door opening is 86 cm, and the stall door is 61 cm.

* For more information:

On the 3rd Annual Unis’tot’en Action Camp

Invitation to Indigenous land/water defenders:

NOII’s Fundraising drive for the Unis’tot’en Action Camp:


Fundraising to Support Indigenous Land defenders

Posted by admin on Jul 9th, 2012

This August, the 3rd Annual Unis’tot’en Action Camp against propose and approved mining and pipeline projects will be held in Wet’suwet’en territory. The Lhe Lin Liyin, who are hosting the camp, have sent out an open invitation, including a special invitation to Indigenous land defenders to attend. Indigenous peoples are disproportionately impacted by industrial development with high rates of toxic waste, pollution and ill health in their communities, as well as systemic poverty through the encroachment into and destruction of their territories. Indigenous efforts stop this destructive path, for the future generations, for the biodiversity, and for solidarity will be strengthened by being able to share their histories, cultures, stories, and struggles across different communities and nations.


We believe we must proactively support members of communities affected by resource extraction to be able to attend this important camp and gathering. Yet, due to racist colonialism, these same communities are often the ones denied access to the resources that would enable them to attend. No One Is Illegal has received requests from a number of Indigenous communities who would like to attend and it would cost approximately $600 to send 1 car from Vancouver Island and $400 for a trip from the central interior. We have committed to raising these funds to cover the transportation costs for Indigenous land defenders, as well as those from low-income and migrant communities who would like to attend. These opportunities for relationship-building between grassroots communities are invaluable in developing a larger community of resistance to the corporate colonialist vision for this land. It is imperative that this resistance be based in people whose everyday experience bears witness to this destructive vision.

We are hoping to provide $2000 to support the action camp. However, because we are we are completely unfunded by foundations and government, we are only able to provide support by asking for donations from you.

If you are able to help please send cheques to:
No One Is Illegal
c/o 1592 East 2 Ave.
Vancouver, BC V5N 1C7
Coast Salish Territory

For more information:

On the 3rd Annual Unis’tot’en Action Camp

Invitation to Indigenous land/water defenders:


If you are need of gas money to travel to our gathering and self-identify
as Indigenous, low-income, racialized, please be in touch with No One Is
Illegal as we would like to prioritize diverse communities being able to
attend. Please call or send an email to Harsha by July 15th to or 778 885 0040 with your name, contact info,
nation/community, where you are traveling from, and how much gas money you

If you are traveling from Vancouver or Victoria, please visit this website
for travel information:

If you are unable to join the caravan but are interested in coordinating
rides with No One Is Illegal members on an earlier or later schedule
please email

Deadhorse Alaska to Ushuaia Argentina – Wet’suwet’en Territory

6 Jul