Grill'd's Low Carb Super Bun. The BMJ medical journal says the calorie-burning effect of a low-carb diet "may improve ...

'All calories are not alike to the body'

In a study of overweight people maintaining weight loss, those on a low-carbohydrate diet burnt about 250 more calories per day than those on a high-carbohydrate diet.

Living in a wealthy "obesogenic" environment where high-energy food is accessible without effort doesn't help.

Why being fat is not your fault

A leading international expert in obesity has turned people's perception of the condition on its head, saying people are not to blame for it.

Humans' "resting energy expenditure" - the body's use of calories to power such basic functions as respiration, brain ...

To burn the most calories, watch the clock

Next time you raid the fridge in the wee hours of the morning, consider this new research finding: At roughly that hour, the most basic operations of the human body throttle back their caloric needs.