Resolutions adopted by NACDL's Board of Directors or Membership are posted online. Resolutions adopted prior to the year 2000 are posted as they are available. For more information on resolutions adopted prior to 2000, please contact NACDL.
- Creating the Fourth Amendment Center Advisory Board, July 29, 2018
- Adopting a Code of Conduct for Affiliated Persons, July 29, 2018
- Adopting Special Election Procedures, July 29, 2018
- Concerning ICE in the Courthouse, April 21, 2018
- Concerning Public Defense Selection, February 17, 2018
- Concerning Public Defense Delivery Systems, October 28, 2017
- Concerning Prison Privatization, July 29, 2017
- Authorizing Public Defense and Reform Litigation Funding, July 29, 2017
- Granting Investment Transaction Authority, July 29, 2017
- Suspending the Spending Policy for FY 2018, July 29, 2017
- Adoption Special Election Procedures for Fall 2017, July 29, 2017
- Updating the Standing Board Policy on Affiliate Association Representation on the Board of Directors, October 29, 2016
- Concerning Public Defender Group Memberships, August 13, 2016
- Calling for an Independent Federal Public Defense Agency, May 21, 2016
- Concerning the 50th Anniversary of In Re Gault, May 21, 2016
- Concerning HIV Criminalization, May 21, 2016
- Renaming the Champion of Indigent Defense Award, February 20, 2016
- Concerning Adoption of a Policy on SEC’s Use of Administrative Proceedings, January 7, 2016
- Recognizing and Remembering William H. Buckman, November 8, 2014
- Establishing Special Election Procedures, November 8, 2014
- Authorizing Indigent Defense Litigation and Reform Funding, August 2, 2014
- Adopting a Report and Recommendations on Digital Searches, May 18, 2014
- Adopting Model Legislation on Discovery in Criminal Cases, May 18, 2014
- Concerning Restoration of Funding For Federal Indigent Defense, July 27, 2013
- Adopting Model Legislation Regarding Drones, February 23, 2013
- Regarding Defense Access to DNA Databases, February 23, 2013
- Concerning the use of Familial DNA Searching during Criminal Investigations, February 23, 2013
- Opposing the use of Familial DNA Searching during Criminal Investigations, February 23, 2013
- Honoring Murray J. Janus, February 23, 2013
- Adopting Ethics Opinion on Plea Agreements Barring Collateral Attack, October 27, 2012
- Establishing Special Election Procedures, October 27, 2012
- Endorsing Proposition 34 to End the Death Penalty in California, July 28, 2012
- Concerning Pretrial Release and Limited Use of Financial Bond, July 28, 2012
- Accepting the Invitation to Join the Defending Immigrants Partnership, April 28, 2012
- Calling Upon the Federal Government to Conduct a Comprehensive Review of Cases in which Potentially Flawed Forensic Evidence was Utilized, April 28, 2012
- Urging the Recognition of Right to Counsel at Initial Appearance, February 19, 2012
- Conferring Honorary Membership upon Raag Singhal, February 19, 2012
- Anticipating the 50th Anniversary of Gideon v. Wainwright, November 19, 2011
- Adopting Special Election Procedures, November 19, 2011
- Authorizing Indigent Defense Litigation and Reform Funding, August 6, 2011
- Continuing Opposition to the Military Commissions at Guantanamo Bay, August 6, 2011
- On Law Enforcement Access to Third Party Records, August 5, 2011
- Guiding NACDL's Efforts in the Capital Punishment Area, August 5, 2011
- Discouraging Campaign Attacks in Judicial Elections, May 20, 2011
- Adopting Model State Legislation Reforming the Use of Asset Forfeiture, May 20, 2011
- Approving Model Legislation To Strengthen Compliance with the Government’s Duty to Disclose Favorable Information to the Accused, May 20, 2011
- Calling for Abolition of the Death Penalty in the State of Illinois, February 19, 2011
- Authorizing a Champion of State Criminal Justice Reform Award, February 19, 2011
- Regarding Reform of the Hyde Amendment, February 19, 2011
- Urging Legislatures and Governors to Refrain from Passing Anti-Immigration Laws, February 19, 2011
- Regarding Canada’s Proposed Mandatory Minimum Sentences, August 14, 2010
- Establishing Special Election Procedures, August 14, 2010
- Regarding National Standards on Prison Rape Elimination Released by National Prison Rape Elimination Commission, May 1, 2010
- Adopting Recommendations to Strengthen Forensic Evidence and its Presentation in the Courtroom, February 27, 2010
- Recognizing and Remembering Jack T. Litman, February 27, 2010
- Regarding Proposed Changes to the City of New York’s Criminal Legal Services System, February 27, 2010
- Concerning Adoption of Federal Criminal Provisions, January 6, 2010
- Amending the Budget, November 7, 2009
- Establishing Special Election Procedures, November 7, 2009
- Concerning Life Members in Arrears, November 7, 2009
- Creating an NACDL Continuing Legal Education Institute, August 8, 2009
- Establishing Special Election Procedures, August 8, 2009
- On Amending the Long Range Plan, August 8, 2009
- Supporting the National Criminal Justice Commission Act, May 29, 2009
- Authorizing Audit Expesnes for Transition to New Association Management System, February 28, 2009
- On The Review and Disposition of Individuals Detained at Guantanamo Bay, February 28, 2009
- Concerning Judicial Pay Legislation, January 7, 2009
- Urging Congress to Prohibit Abuses Arising from Immigration Enforcement, October 26, 2008
- Supporting the Justice Integrity Act, October 26, 2008
- On Immigration Raids, October 26, 2008
- On Closing Guantanamo Bay, October 26, 2008
- Recognizing and Remembering Don Fiedler, August 2, 2008
- On the Notification of the Existence of DNA Evidence in Virginia, August 2, 2008
- Recognizing and Remembering Robert J. Hooker, May 4, 2008
- Adopted NACDL Policy on Operation Streamline, May 4, 2008
- Recognizing and Remebering Charlotte Glass , February 23, 2008
- Concerning Judicial Pay Legislation, January 14, 2008
- Regarding Justice Department Proposal to Exclude Plea Agreements from PACER, October 20, 2007
- Supporting Clemency for Troy Anthony Davis, August 4, 2007
- Adopting NACDL's Amicus Mission Statement and Protocols, August 4, 2007
- Adopting the NACDL Long Range Plan, April 28, 2007
- Commending New Jersey Legislature's Death Penalty Study Commission, February 24, 2007
- Concerning Judicial Pay, February 24, 2007
- Regarding Indigent Defense Litigation and Reform Funding for Fiscal Years 2006-2008, August 6, 2005
- Applauding New York State Bar Association, April 17, 2005
- Calling for Recognition of Judicial Independence, April 17, 2005
- Regarding Edward Caraballo, February 13, 2005
- Calling for Just and Fair Sentencing Laws, February 13, 2005
- On Extending Member Services to Public Defenders in the State of Georgia for One Year, February 13, 2005
- Regarding the Federal Sentencing System, July 31, 2004
- Demanding that "60 Minutes" Correct its Segment on Judge Charles Pickering, Sr.'s Nomination, May 1, 2004
- Regarding Statutes of Limitations, May 1, 2004
- Opposing the Use of John Doe DNA Warrants & Indcitments, May 1, 2004
- Responding to Massachusetts Indigent Defense Crisis, February 21, 2004
- Opposing the Expansion of DNA Databases, February 21, 2004
- Adopting the VIDC Standards of Justice, February 21, 2004
- Supporting Responses to State Failure of Right-to-Counsel Obligation, February 21, 2004
- Opposing Transfer of Children to Adult Court, November 2, 2002
- Regarding Enemy Combatants, November 2, 2002
- Proposal for Granting Honorary Life Membership to Tian Wen Chang, Attorney at Law, November 2, 2002
- On Voting Rights for Felons, November 2, 2002
- Supporting Reform of Prison Telephone Systems, August 3, 2002
- Appointing Committee Members, August 3, 2002
- Supporting Mandatory Videotaping of Interrogation, May 4, 2002
- Opposing the Eviction of Innocent Tenants from Public Housings, May 4, 2002
- Approving Proposed Amendments to the Bylaws, May 4, 2002
- On Opposing Implementation of the Procedures for 9/11 Military Commissions, May 4, 2002
- Revising the FY2002 Budget, February 23, 2002
- Calling for United States Ratification of and Participation in the International Criminal Court and for Creation of Independence Defense Function Therein, February 23, 2002
- Defining Net Assets and Clarifying Spending Policy, February 23, 2002
- Authorizing the IDC to Employ Litigation and Other Reform Strategies, February 23, 2002
- Committing NACDL's Support in Furthering Indigent Defense Systems, February 23, 2002
- Creating an International Membership, February 23, 2002
- Authorizing the NACDL to Enter Into a Relationship with Merrill Lynch, February 23, 2002
- Authorizing Measures to Advance the Education and Training of Chinese Defense Lawyers, November 3, 2001
- Opposing Rules that would Permit Jurors to Discuss Evidence during Criminal Trial, November 3, 2001
- Authorizing a Budget Amendment to Forego the Annual 1.5% Allocation Towards Reserve Account, November 3, 2001
- Concerning Malpractice Insurance, November 3, 2001
- Authorizing to Initiate or Support Indigent Defense Litigation, November 3, 2001
- Condemning the U.S. Government's Participation in Downed Peruvian Airplane, May 5, 2001
- Establishing the Champion of Indigent Defense Award, May 5, 2001
- Calling for an Investigation of the Oklahoma City Police Department Forensic Laboratory, May 5, 2001
- Calling for an End to the Use of Fusarium to Destroy Coca Plants, November 4, 2000
- Calling for an End to the War on Drugs, November 4, 2000
- Underwriting up to $25,000 Proposed Indigent Defense Litigation in Virginia, November 4, 2000
- Authorizing the Executive Committee to Make CLE Programs Available via the Internet, November 4, 2000
- Urging the Bureau of Prisons to Eliminate Disqualification of Aliens from the Section 362(e) Incentive, August 5, 2000
- Supporting Passage of Oregon Ballot Measure 94, August 5, 2000
- Calling for a Moratorium on and Abolition of the Death Penalty, February 26, 2000
- Creating the Indigent Defense Coordinator Position, November 6, 1999
- Stating NACDL's Intent to Ensure Representation on the Federal Courts Rules Committee, November 6, 1999
- Earmarking Jeralyn Merritt's Contribution for Death Penalty CLE Scholarships, July 24, 1999
- On Authorizing and Directing NACDL's Executive Leadership to Make It a Priority to Seek Inclusion of NACDL Representation on the Judicial Conference of the United States Advisory Committee on Criminal Rules, July 24, 1999
- Concerning Execution of Manny Babbitt, May 1, 1999
- Approving Sending of a Letter to Janet Reno Regarding the Soriano Ruling, May 1, 1999
- On Federal Hate Crimes Legislation, February 20, 1999
- On Intimidation and Targeting of Defense Counsel in Northern Ireland, November 14, 1998
- On the Intimidation and Targeting of Defense Counsel in Northern Ireland and Other Issues, November 14, 1998
- Approving an Exception to the Investment Policy for FY 99, August 8, 1998
- Urging Congress to Fully Fund the Criminal Justice Act, April 25, 1998
- Condemning the Office of the Independent Counsel for Compelling Susan McDougal to Appear Before a Grand Jury, April 25, 1998
- Denouncing Possible Ethical Violations by the Office of Independent Counsel, February 7, 1998
- Condemning Those Who Leak Secret Information in Grand Jury Proceedings, February 7, 1998
- Refocusing NACDL's Legislative Program, November 9, 1996
- Concerning Investment Activity, November 9, 1996
- Establishing Death Penalty Colleges, November 9, 1996
- Concerning Isolation of Prisoners, November 9, 1996
- Concerning Electronic Recording in Courtrooms, February 24, 1996