Archive | June 2012

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Friday mixtape

First and last So, this week it was cassette albums, with just me (so far), with Bruce Springsteen and James Last. Next week is CDs, and I’m hoping for a good crop of guest posts. (That’s a reminder folks.) Obituaries Graeme Bell, father of Aussie jazz. Bloggery The wonderful Village Dance Radio celebrates Johnny ‘Hammond’ […]

First & last: cassette albums: From E Street to the Copacabana

Continuing with cassettes (last week was cassette singles), we move on to cassette albums in this series of first and last purchases. I’m not completely sure about this week, because cassettes is the format I have kept less of than others. I’m pretty sure that the first cassette album I bought was actually a triple […]

First & last: cassette singles

Last week, with LPs, was a highlight of this series, with lovely posts from rustyfruitjuice and Kellie, covering everything from deep flamenco to children’s folk to 1980s pop to retro-punk mash-up, and in particular fabulous looking record covers. What could be less cool, in contrast, than the cassette single? For me, however, for a brief […]

First LPs, flamenco dancers and sea shanties, musicals and clowns

Pinpointing my first LP is not so straightforward. The first one I was aware of as a boy was Neil Young’s Harvest, as it was for a while the only record in the house, and I heard it far too often, echoing on the bare cement floor of the Land Commission cottage that my parents […]

First & last LPs: From Satch to Scientist

So, this week we are nearing the end of vinyl in the First and last series, including at least one fantastic guest post, by rustyfruitjuice. Next week we move to cassettes. I am not completely sure, alas, what the first LP I bought was, although I can vividly remember buying it. It must have been my […]

First and last LPs

Looking at them side by side, I’ve spotted an obvious connection between my first and last LP. The first I ever consider being mine was bought for me by my mum in either Woolworths or Our Price in some town centre. It must have been either Stratford, Leamington or Banbury. Whichever, it isn’t there any […]

Friday mixtape

First and last So, last week we were doing first and last EPs. Here’s me, but, far better, here’s Kellie. (Kellie Strøm is an excellent artist and illustrator, blogs at Airforce Amazons, and tweats as @kelliestrom. At his place, he blogs about all sorts of things, including the Middle East and old films. He sometimes blogs […]