Appeal court review for imprisoned comrade Joaquín García (Chile)

November 16th, 2018

On November 19, 2018, the appeal court will review the 13-year sentence against anti-authoritarian comrade Joaquín García, convicted for the placement of an explosive device against a police station and the possession of a revolver.

The intention of the legal defense is to annul the trial and make a new one. This call is to be attentive to the new judicial scenarios that can develop.

Solidarity with the prisoners of the social war!


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„Weitere Nicht-Nachrichten über die `Öko-Extremisten Mafia`“ von L (UK)

November 12th, 2018

EN: ‘More non-news about the “Eco-Extremist Mafia”’ by L (UK)

ES: ‘Más no-noticias sobre la “Mafia Eco-Extremista”‘ por L (Reino Unido)

Unsere letzte Veröffentlichung von Informationen über die sogenannte Öko-Extremisten Mafia verursachte einen Aufruhr in der Kirche von ITS Mexiko. Ohne ihnen den Sauerstoff zu geben, den sie in ihrer parasitären Natur für die internationale anarchistische Bewegung benötigen, die für sie lebensnotwendig ist, veröffentlichen wir diesen Bericht und antworten auf die Verleumdungen und den Schwachsinn ihrer Position.

Innerhalb von 12 Stunden nach der Veröffentlichung des Doxings [1] von Vasquez, war die sogenannte ITS Mafia, die praktisch nur im Internet lebt, so verärgert, dass sie das Alter und die Trockenheit meiner Vagina beschreiben mussten! Und sie übernehmen die Verantwortung für das „Niedermetzeln“ („massacre“ beating) eines Anarchopunks nach einem Zapatista Treffen im letzten Dezember! Was gibt es noch zu sagen zu oder über diese frauenfeindlichen, misanthropischen, psychopathischen Hohepriester des ITS-Totenkults?

Vorhersehbare Verleumdungen der postfaktischen ITS, die Verantwortung für Aktionen übernehmen, die sie nicht getan haben, eine Taktik des IS/Daesh nachahmend, und jetzt bezeichnen sie uns als „Cops“, da wir angeblich die britische Polizei per Mail informierten, dass der lächerliche „Archie The Robot“ „Archgonas“ für die „Misanthropos Cacoguen“ ITS Bombe verantwortlich wäre, die willkürlich an einer belebten Straße in Edinburgh, Schottland, platziert wurde, wo viele junge Leute rumhängen und ihren Treffpunkt haben.

Urkomisch! Und die Grundlage dafür? Der Bericht einer Mainstream-Zeitung, laut dem die Cops ein Kommuniqué (welches sich eher als psychotischer Zusammenbruch liest) von einem riseup.net Mail Server erhielten! Es ist wahrscheinlicher, dass „Archegonas“ oder ein anderes Mitglied der „Öko-Extremisten Mafia“ etwas so Dummes getan hat, um dem von ihnen gehassten Riseup Ärger zu bereiten und nun Lügen zu drucken, wie es ihnen gefällt. Nach Jahren der Scheiße dieses Idioten „Archegonas“ ist das alles was er und ITS erreichen können? Nein, ihre Worte und Texte offenbaren alles und wir lachen uns kaputt über die Kirche der ITS Mexiko und ihre Chorknaben. Das ist die Taktik ihrer verrückten Verleumdungen, die nun von einem wahnhaften Idioten in Brasilien nachgeahmt werden. Wenn dies das Ausmaß ihrer Logik ist, ist es kein Wunder, dass sie durch die ideologischen und praktischen Fehler die sie gemacht haben, in den Abgrund der Scheiße geraten sind, die Verantwortung für kleinere Tötungsdelikte und das Platzieren von Bomben an öffentlichen Plätzen, um so viele Menschen wie möglich zu verletzen, zu übernehmen. Ökofaschistischer Abschaum. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Anti-Fascist |

„Nein ITS, ihr werdet nicht weiterkommen!“ von EAT (Indonesien)

November 11th, 2018

Von dieser sogenannten Öko-Extremisten-Gang und all ihren misanthropisch-nihilistischen Schreibtisch-Cheerleader*innen ist so viel Bullshit ausgegangen. Euer Text „The Anarchist Myth“ vom letzten Jahr war voller vulgärer Christlichkeit, getarnt als Öko-Extremismus. Kommt schon, ist das das Beste was ihr habt? Und die willkürlichen Morde an hoffnungslosen Menschen für euch zu beanspruchen? Und eure Morddrohungen zu lesen während ihr Bilder von Leuten veröffentlicht, die ihr getötet habt (natürlich behauptet ihr dies nur) ist witzig, nein es ist wirklich witzig (Ich musste wirklich lachen, wortwörtlich lachen, als ich die Kommuniqués gelesen und die Bilder gesehen habe, was zur Hölle?).

[en] (Mexico) 60. Kommuniqué der ITS: Über die „NGO 325“ Verräter [öffnet den Link mit TOR]
[en] (Mexico) 60th Communique of the ITS: On the “NGO 325” snitching

Ich muss sagen, dieses Kommuniqué hat mir meinen Tag versüßt, es ist so verdammt komisch. Nachdem euer hässlicher Glatzkopf Abe entlarvt wurde, fangt ihr an, euch wie die kindischen Trottel zu verhalten, die ihr seid. Eure dummen Theoretiker*innen aus Nord Amerika und eure Cheerleader*innen in Europa?

Es ist eine Sache, wenn ihr Einblicke oder Grenzen von Gewalt diskutiert (Ich bin ganz Ohr!) und eine andere, wenn ihr behauptet menschenverachtend (anti-human) zu sein und doch bloß ein verzweifeltes Mädchen auf dem Universitätsgelände getötet habt (oh, ihr habt mehr als einen Mord begangen, bitte?) und euer verdammter Stolz darauf? Wenn ihr wirklich anti-human seid, bitte bitte, ich flehe euch an, baut eine Atombombe oder was für Mittel/Werkzeuge auch immer und begeht einen Genozid an mindestens 10 Menschen zur gleichen Zeit? Und danach tötet euch selbst, ihr dummen Menschen. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Eco Struggle |

Vegan Means Attack – Fomenting A Wildfire Against Speciesism and Moral Anthropocentrism (USA)

November 11th, 2018

My veganism exists as a nihilist confrontation against the existing moral fabric of anthropocentrism and speciesism. Here on this landmass called “america”, the moral justifications for consuming the flesh and secretions of non-human animals go hand in hand with the industrialization of their enslavement and reduction to commodity status. This is a reflection of capitalist society reducing chaos to order, animal bodies from wild to domesticated, and the marketing of bodies that are socially recognized as mere products for consumption. My veganism is defined not only by an individualist refusal to internalize, validate and reinforce these authoritarian social values, but also by consecutively attacking them as well.

My anarchy rejects speciesist civilization, not from a “return to the hunter-gatherer” perspective, but from a point of constant hostility towards arbitrary hierarchies, authority, and governance that take form pre- or post-civilization. These include the restoration of traditions or cultures that attempt to resurrect anthropocentric, hierarchical values and worldviews. My focus is not a re-establishment of a past existence. My focus is the creation of a joyous life, here and now, through destructive confrontation with any governing elements that attempt to maintain hierarchical power. I am hostile to all who view non-human animals and the wild as mere raw materials for anthropocentric exploitation and consumption. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Library |

New Issue of Anathema Vol 4 Issue 10 – Philadelphia Anarchist Publication (USA)

November 11th, 2018

Volume 4 Issue 10 (PDF for reading 8.5 x 11)

Volume 4 Issue 10 (PDF for printing 11 x 17)

In this issue:

Plague Of Western Chauvinism
Vaughn 17 Trials
Anti-Colonial October
What Forest Remains
What Is Attack?
What Went Down
Notice On Police Cars
Poem Coup Des Lumières
An Invitation To Desertion
World News
What Did You Do Instead Of Voting


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Posted in Library |

Athens, Greece: ‘The Future is Already Here’ – 2 Days of Resistance to the Technological Singularity (18-19/11)

November 11th, 2018


Artificial intelligence, databases, augmented reality, high security cameras, digital ecosystems, drones, smartphones with smart advertisements and smart houses that steal our thoughts and turn them into merchandise, spectacle, suppression.

Surveillance. Order and security.

The laboratory escapes the four walls- the laboratory is the whole planet.

All this is what the yuppie entrepreneurs, academics, CEOs and scientists are shouting timidly but yet outrageously from Silicon Valley to Athens. On the 19th of November at the SingularityU Summit the enthusiasts of the technological dystopia will gather at Megaro Mousikis. Therefore, dystopia is here, dystopia is now. Singularity Summit is a gathering that will teach to the aspiring leaders and future entrepreneurs how they will thrive in an environment of competition and high technology. The foundation for all of this are the biggest multinational database companies in the world that govern the whole planet and reign in Silicon Valley, such as Google, Yahoo and Apple. Their dream is being presented worldwide by various arrogant scientists, such as Peter Diamantis, and is being spread to the elites of the international scene. Last year in Milan, now in Athens. The sponsors of this year’s summit here are Kathimerini and SKAI- we’ve always disliked them and they never miss out on reminding us- and the research center Demokritos, that test on non-human animals.

The future is already here, but us, our thoughts, our fears, our resistances are also here. Nothing is over – the future is still unwritten.

EVENT-PRESENTATION about the SingularityU Summit and the nanoworld
by the group Resistenze al nanomondo (Italy)

SUNDAY 18/11 (location soon) at 19:00
DEMONSTRATION against the SingularityU Summit

MONDAY 19/11 Parko Eleutherias (Vassilisis Sofias, by Megaro Mousikis) at 11:30

cooperation against the future
initiative from damala fera
traces of fire


Notes from Act for free:

Italy : NOT JUST A MEETING. 2-3 October 2018. Singularity University Summit

[September 27, 2017 Rho-Milan] Not just any meeting – Italy

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Posted in Eco Struggle |

Indonesia: Trial Update on Yogyakarta Prisoners

November 10th, 2018

Trial update for the Mayday case 2018.

Information update from the Prisoners in Yogyakarta as of now, they are as well as can be expected. Even though comrade BV is experiencing shortness of breath, and now it’s beginning to get better.

The trial process is very long, especially for comrade BV, AM, and W. Those whose the trials already happened on 8.11.18 have already proceeded to the trials of pleading (defendent’s defence), and before that they already receive the demands from the Public Prosecutor with a maximum penalty of 10 months at their trial on 1.11.18 at the Sleman District Court. At the moment they are being retained at Cebongan Prison, Sleman awaiting the following trial process with the agenda for the verdict to be handed down on 22.11.18.

We will keep updating information for you with further developments.


More Information
Instagram: palang__hitam
Web: palanghitam.noblogs.org
Email: civilrebellion@riseup.net

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Grecia – Manifesto di solidarietà con la compagna anarchica Aggeliki Spyropoulou

November 9th, 2018

Aggeliki Spyropoulou

Manifesto di solidarietà per Aggeliki Spyropoulou, companga anarchica detenuta per il caso di fuga delle CCF. La compagna è stata condannata a 28 anni di carcere per il coinvolgimento nel tentativo di fuga, che consisteva nel far saltare un parte del carcere di Korydallos per poi liberare i membri prigionieri della Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco, nel 2015.

Per scrivere:

Aggeliki Spyropoulou
Dikastiki Fylaki Korydallou – Gynaikeies Fylakes
T.K. 18110 – Korydallos
Athens – Greece

via roundrobin.

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Never turn off the phone: A new approach to security culture

November 9th, 2018

Никогда не выключай телефон: новый подход к культуре безопасности

In the 80s, an anarchist who wanted, for example, to burn some building, developed his/her plan and at the same time looked to see if there were no listening devices in his/her house. In the late 90s, the same anarchist turned off the phone and used encrypted traffic on the Internet. In the 2020s, we need to reconsider our strategy, intelligence gathering has improved and we must also take this into account.

To begin with, let’s see how big data analysis is used. To do this, we need to talk about 3 things: metadata, templates and networks. It seems boring and difficult, but I am not a technician, and I will not bore you with technical language, I will make it as simple as possible.

Metadata: In the context of online activity, “content” means “the message you sent”, and “metadata” means “everything except the content”. So, for example, if you send a text about lunch to your friend, the content may be “Let’s go on lunch”, and the metadata may be “Message sent 01/04/2018 11.32 from 0478239055 to 079726823 using Signal”.

This information is recorded by your phone, even if the application encrypts your actual message. Your metadata is very poorly protected by technology and very poorly protected by law. No matter what country you are in, the majority of your metadata is freely available to special services, regardless of whether you are suspected of something.

Templates: Whether you realize this or not, your metadata has a template. If you have daily work, you can have a very consistent pattern, if there is no such work, your template may be more flexible, but you have a template. If someone wants to know the rhythm of your day, they can do it very easily, because your template is in metadata. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Social Control |

Anarchist-bombers and the operation of the special services against anarchists – We are calling for solidarity (Russia)

November 9th, 2018

The special services in Russia are preparing to destroy the anarchist movement. The pretext is the bomb attacks of the young anarchists.

17 years old anarchist Mikhail Zhlobitsky blew himself up in the building of FSB of Arkhangelsk city in the morning of the 31st of October. Before the explosion he posted messages in the ‘Vkontakte’ social network and in ‘Rechi buntovshchika (‘Speeches of the Rebel’)’ chat in Telegram messenger (t.me/rebeltalk). In these messages several minutes before the explosion he warned about the action in preparation, and named the reasons –  propaganda by action and revenge for the torture and repressions by FSB against the anarchists.

Michael’s 14 year old supposed comrade was arrested by special services in Moscow on the 2nd of November. Special services accuse Kirill Kuzminkin in preparing a bomb attack on a neo-nazi march. Kirill denies the accusation. Cops claim that components for the production of explosives have been found in Kirill’s house. Kirill’s father claims that these are components for the production of firecrackers, and special services are trying to present the teenager as a terrorist.

At the same time the police and special services countrywide interrogate anarchists, socialists, anti-fascists, and even libertarians. Subscribers of “Narodnaya Samooborona (People’s Self-Defense)”, the largest Russian anarchist resource, and “Rechi buntovshchika (‘Speeches of the Rebel’)”, the anarchist chat in the Telegram, where Mikhail Zhlobitsky’s message about the upcoming attack on the FSB was posted, are being massively verified. For example, in Krasnodar, about a hundred people were summoned to talk with the police. They were asked about their attitude towards anarchism, “Narodnaya Samooborona” and the action of Zhlobitsky. It is reported that the police and special services intend to check all the subscribers of the “Narodnaya Samooborona” group in social networks – these are 26 thousands of people. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Social Control |

Berlin: Info zu IMK morgen Samstag 10.11. um 19 Uhr (Deutschland)

November 9th, 2018

Lieber Freund*innen und Genoss*innen,

Wir möchten euch auf die morgige Veranstaltung aufmerksam machen und herzlich einladen.

Wo: Info- und Stadtteilladen LUNTE (Weisestr. 53, Neukölln)
Wann: 19 Uhr

Am 28.11.18 wird die Innenministerkonferenz (IMK) in Magdeburg geben. Bei dieser Konferenz werden die strategischen Leitlinien und taktischen Mittel des Staates zur Herrschaftssicherung bestimmt.

Wir wollen gemeinsam mit euch über die Entwicklung der Repression in der BRD sprechen und wie die Einführung der neuen Polizeigesetze im
Zusammenhang mit der Faschistisierung der BRD zu sehen ist. Desweiteren werden wir euch über die geplanten Proteste gegen die IMK und den Internationalistischen Block auf der Anti-IMK Demonstration am 24.11.18 informieren.

Referent*in: Proletarische Autonomie Magdeburg

Veranstaltet von: Netzwerk Freiheit für alle politischen Gefangenen [Berlin]

Weitere Infos zur Innenministerkonferenz

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Posted in Autonomy |

Rome: Atacado Repeater set on fire in solidarity with Paska, Ghespe and Giova, and all anarchist prisoners (Italy)

November 8th, 2018



Note from Instinto Salvaje: In the following claim it mentions what recently happened in Santiago, Chile, with the case of Kevin Garrido, who was murdered on November 2 in the prison of Santiago 1. We remember that this individual was not anti-authoritarian, since that he wrote communiqués whilst in prison his affinity to authoritarian groups called eco-extremists. We publish this action because it is a gesture of solidarity with jailed Italian anarchists, we are not going to silence it, but to clarify information delivered by irresponsible means of counter-information without positioning themselves in this social war.

On a September afternoon, we mobilized to set fire to a telephone repeater. We had in our eyes and in our hearts anger for the death of a person in the forest of Hambach, during the resistance to the eviction of the police. Telecommunications infrastructures are today one of the strategic points of the modern technological domain, functional to the development of other devices and technological structures that are also part of a complex network, in which each element depends on the other. The authoritarian essence of the system is clearly expressed in this technological interdependence. Despite the current tendency to create increasingly autonomous systems, it is still possible to hit an element by putting the whole network out of use with a cascade effect.

With this action we want to launch an invitation to hit the telecommunications networks as an act of solidarity for the anarchist prisoners Paska, Ghespe and Giova, still in prison. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Direct Action |

EU set to test AI guards to protect external borders

November 8th, 2018

Corporate media article detailing new research and development by the scientists of social control in the service of power:

An EU-funded project is developing an ‘intelligent control system’ to test third-country nationals who reach the EU’s external borders, including a sophisticated analysis of their facial gestures.

The Intelligent Portable Border Control System, iBorderCtrl, is a series of multiple protocols and computer procedures which are meant to scan faces and flag ‘suspicious’ reactions of travellers who lie about their reasons for entering the Schengen area.

The AI-based screening system will check up to 38 facial micro-gestures of travellers – like eye direction, pupil dilation, minimal voice changes and micro-expressions undetectable to human guards – which were collected during a series of questions asked by the border agents at the checkpoints. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in No Borders |