Video Exposes Reality of ‘Happy’ Turkeys Trucked 12 Hours to Be Killed for ‘Rich, Dumb’ People’s Thanksgiving Meal

Good Shepherd Poultry Ranch workers shoved so-called “happy” turkeys into filthy cages on a truck bound for a slaughterhouse. “Humane meat” is a fiction. Go vegan today.

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Years of PETA Pressure Pay Off! Gaultier Finally Drops Fur

Jean Paul Gaultier’s announcement backs what PETA has said for decades: Fur is as dead as the animals it was stolen from.

Celebrate a Vegan Thanksgiving With These PETA-Approved Recipes

These delicious recipes will please every palate giving everyone—including animals—something to be thankful for this holiday season.

© Steve Lee Studios
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'The PETA Podcast' on Why Prop 12 Was Not a Victory for Animals

PETA's Amber Canavan explains how California's new law hurts animals and what activists can do to demand animal liberation.

5 PETA-Approved Quotes From 'Fantastic Beasts'

Newt Scamander is beloved by fans of ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Fantastic Beasts,’ but we think he also deserves some love from fans of animal rights.

November Is World Vegan Month

Order your free vegan starter kit now to begin your journey.

What PETA Stands For


I am you, only different.

Human beings create temporary and arbitrary boundaries to exclude beings who aren’t like them. Human beings have justified wars, slavery, sexual violence, and military conquests through the mistaken belief that those who are “different” do not experience suffering and are not worthy of moral consideration.


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

We are taught the Golden Rule as young children, and all major religions teach principles of nonviolence and kindness. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Ethical treatment—the Golden Rule—must be extended to all living beings: reptiles, mammals, fish, insects, birds, amphibians, and crustaceans.


Animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way.

All beings desire freedom to live a natural life, according to their inherent desires and instincts. While the lives of all beings necessarily involve some amount of suffering, human beings must stop deliberately inflicting suffering on all beings for our own selfish desires. We lose nothing in replacing a cheeseburger with a veggie burger or a leather purse with a fabric one. But beings we exploit lose their lives just for our fleeting fancy.


We are all animals.

We believe all beings deserve liberty and respect not because they share the characteristics we admire in ourselves but because they are living beings. We share the same evolutionary origins, we inhabit the same Earth, and we are ruled by the same laws of nature. We are all the same.

© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Learn More

A Grandmother's Animal Hoarding Leads One Woman to a Startling Revelation (VIDEO)

Diana Mendoza explains how early firsthand exposure to animal hoarding helped her realize that those who want to help animals by supporting “no-kill” shelters often end up hurting them.

Another Warrant for Big-Cat Exhibitor and Constant PETA Target

Jeff Lowe—roadside zoo owner, exotic-animal exhibitor, and constant PETA target—is once again in trouble with the law.


Urge Companies to Sever Their Ties With SeaWorld

Do you support orca abuse? We didn’t think so. Tell these companies why, and urge them to stop promoting SeaWorld’s cruel confinement of marine mammals.

TAMU President’s Birthday Gift From PETA Is the Heart He’s Missing

PETA calls on Michael Young to put an end to TAMU’s cruel, pointless muscular dystrophy experiments on dogs.

New Winter Styles on!

Shop all of our new apparel, including hoodies, long-sleeve tees, socks, and more.

PHOTOS: Activists Want Shoppers to Know the REAL Canada Goose

Nearly naked PETA supporters rallied outside Canada Goose's flagship store in New York City—one of many spirited protests the cruel company can expect.

Photo: Derek Pashupa Goodwin
How to Wear Vegan

Animals Need Your Kindness—Pledge to Help Them Today

Taking these 10 quick actions is the perfect way to show your kind heart. With the click of a button, help animals all over the world.

PETA's Guide to Choosing the Best Vegan-Friendly Honeymoon Destination

Bask in marital bliss at one of these vegan-friendly honeymoon spots. Whether you’re looking for adventure or relaxation, we’ve got it all.

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Horror Stories of Petco Betta Fish the Stores Don’t Want You to See

As these patrons found out the hard way, the employees and managers they asked to help the sick and dying fish completely failed them.

Here’s How PETA Put Nearly 300 Donated Fur Coats to Good Use

PETA can’t bring back the animals who were caged and electrocuted for their fur, but our fur coat donation program can still help those in desperate need.

Canadian Tourist's Leg Crushed by Elephant After Ride

This tourist shouldn't have been on a captive elephant's back at all. No animals should ever be forced to interact with members of the public.

‘No-Kill’ Policies Slowly Killing Animals

Most, if not all, of the animals who are turned away from such facilities still face untimely deaths—just not at these facilities.

Why Should Animals Have Rights?

Cheers! Beer Maker Kirin Ends Animal Tests After Working With PETA

Grab a bottle of Kirin, and join us for a toast. The company is ending animal tests after working with PETA!

PETA Predicted Zika Threat 2 Years Ago —Monkey Farms Must Be Shut Down

Scientists have discovered that monkeys in the wild are potential reservoirs for Zika virus—a threat that PETA warned of in 2016.

The Great Outdoors? Not for Cats!

Feral and free-roaming cats are tortured and killed in horrific ways, including by being mutilated, shot, and poisoned.


Prop 12 Fails Hens, Misleads Kind Consumers—Don’t Be Duped

Prop 12 allows farmers to continue cramming sensitive, thinking birds into sheds by the thousands. Don’t let the labels fool you.

$40 (Vegan) Thanksgiving Dinner in Under an Hour

That’s right! You can have a budget thanksgiving dinner that doesn’t hurt animals or your wallet.

A Win for Animals! China Reinstates Ban on Rhino Horn and Tiger Bone

PETA Asia and animal advocates around the world will continue working to ensure that rhinoceroses and tigers are not killed for unproven ancient remedies.


2018: The Time for Animal Rights Is Now

Until every cage is empty, every chain is broken, and every animal is treated with dignity, PETA will not stop. Will you join us?

All These Celebrities Have Spoken Out Against Dissection

These celebrities know that dissection is dangerous, unethical, and unnecessary. Share their inspiring messages with your students, and pledge to cut out dissection today.

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“Almost all of us grew up eating meat, wearing leather, and going to circuses and zoos. We never considered the impact of these actions on the animals involved. For whatever reason, you are now asking the question: Why should animals have rights?” READ MORE

— Ingrid E. Newkirk, President of PETA