The Grey Between


The Grey Between“, 24×36, acrylic on canvas. This was an evolved, difficult piece for me to do, both in using new techniques and content. The grey sometimes being a body for hungry crows, but more metaphorically as a barrier, cloud, or ash.


New in the Store


I just updated my art store with some recent items, including print preorders for my ‘Mask’, and ‘The Wheel’ pieces, as well as a limited series of 20 all-original 9×10 works on paper called ‘Winter Vortex’ that I am drawing to order, signed and numbered with no reproductions.

Call of the Void tour poster


The Call of the Void guys are heading out on the road with Bleak in October. If you live east of the Rockies, they might be in your area then. Glad for the chance to design a poster with one of my favorite drawings too.