VA-No Hesitation to Resist 2 7" (2003,Forest Records)

This is another post that makes me feel weird and have some deja vu since i started working on it about two years ago as i was planning to post it in march 2012 and the day of first anniversary of Fukushima disaster, it was nearly a year after the insident and the flow of news in mass media had removed this tragedy from front line pages and more or less we had forgotten what happened and somehow in my mind i slightly related this record with this tragedy because of the cover artwork (gasmasks and radiation uniforms, ok there are weapons too so this is all just bullshit) and since the bands come from Japan....this is the lousy excuse for this post: Anyway, No Hesitation to Resist was a 10 inch compilation, released in 1999 by Forest Records and included some glorious names of Japanese scene such as Battle of Disarm, Effigy, Disclose and Beyond Description and some lesser known bands, Truth of Arise, Äpärät, Victims of Greed and others, this gem  was followed a few years later by a second part, this time in seven inches and the bands included were not as glorious as these in Pt1 but still deliver the goods: Peaceful Collapse, Kampfer, Discript, Criminal, Agree to Differ and C.P.S. I know only a few info about the bands collected from internet, Discript stands as the most known or "known as related with" since they were a pre-Beyond Description band and their split 7" with Y on German label Anomie Records from 1995 is long long time out of print, Peaceful Collapse were active duning late '90's and early '00's and had a couple of cdr and tape releases, some of them were posthumous releases of old material  in 2010-11, they also appeared in several Crust Night series comp. of Tribal War Asia, Agree to Differ had only a double split 7" with Change on FFT Label in 2002,  Kampfer is totally with out any trace on the web, (according to Discogs. com a band named Kampfer was in Fear Candy 59 cd comp of Terrorizer mag in 1995 but don't take this info for real, this comp. includes Amon Amarth, Benediction, Iced Earth and other metal bands so is another band). C.P.S. had only an appearance in Crust Night 2002 and as for Criminal, this contribution was their one and only shit as a band. The record came out on Forest Records, a label with Disprove, Beyond Description and Effigy releases as well the Meaningful Consolidation double 7". it comes in fold out paper sleeve with some lyrics and band info in English & Japanese, all bands deliver shitloads of noise with Discript, and Agree to Differ to win my taste, Peaceful Collapse and Kampfer are interest too. I said so much useless shit, ends here.


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