Introducing… BURN MORE COAL… state-of-the-art pro-humanity advocacy

From “Welcome. We love coal. Beautiful clean coal. We want electric utilities to drop their foolhardy anti-coal political correctness so they can burn more coal to power our economy, raise our standard of living, secure our nation and set an example for the rest of the world. We own stock in electric utilities — whose announced shuttering of coal plants makes the Obama Clean Power Plan look mild by comparison — so we can advocate for coal as shareholders. You can help us buy stock and support our campaign for coal. You can also help out by giving us your proxy in electric utility stock you own. Check out ABOUT, MANIFESTO, ADVOCACY and PORTFOLIO to learn more about us.” We need your support!

WINNING: Milloy one of a ‘small but influential set’ Trump has been listening to

Axios reports that President Trump’s views on climate have been shaped over the years by a “small but influential set or organizations and people,” including publisher Steve Milloy, CEI’s Myron Ebell, Murray Energy’s Bob Murray, the Heartland Institute and Sen. Jim Inhofe. Axios, of course, means this as a slam. Not only is Axios wrong, but I would be proud to have played a role in shaping President Trump’s views on climate.

Milloy NYTimes comment on National Climate Assessment

I make three points in today’s New York Times: 1) The National Climate Assessment is irrelevant; 2) It is a product of the Deep State (not the Trump admin); and 3) Releasing it untouched but on Black Friday was an expediency.

No, breathing San Francisco air is not like smoking 11 cigarettes

And the guys at Berkeley Earth ought to put out whatever they’ve been smoking and come down to Earth.

Continue reading No, breathing San Francisco air is not like smoking 11 cigarettes

Trzupek: ‘It was a subtle but brilliant maneuver designed to kill coal forevermore’

The Center for Biological Diversity is trying to shut down the coal plant at the University of North Carolina-Durham with a bogus emissions dispersion modeling study and a leftover Obama war-on-coal rule. friend Rich Trzupek breaks it down. Must read.

Read Trzupek’s article at TheEpochTimes: Web | PDF

Glider truck study vindicated by Tennessee Tech: Emissions from gliders and new trucks are about the same

That’s what the letter says. But it probably won’t be what you read in Fake News media accounts (ahem… Eric Lipton, I can’t wait for your report).

Continue reading Glider truck study vindicated by Tennessee Tech: Emissions from gliders and new trucks are about the same