
Obituary - Alexander Nakov, 1919 - 2018

There is No Migrant Crisis: Against the Militarization of the Border

A text co-produced by Crimethinc and It's Going Down, discussing Trump's threats to use the army against migrants.

Sobre el ataque contra la FSB en Rusia

Hoy (31-10-2018) un joven anarquista ruso, murió en un ataque a los cuarteles generales del FSB en Arkhangelsk. El FSB ha conseguido su objetivo, forzando a los jóvenes rusos a ataques con bombas en lugar de participar en la organización pública.

Solidarity With Alex

This is a call out for solidarity with social activist Alex Pirie who has recently been diagnosed with advanced cancer.

Russia: Free the “Network” Prisoners

Note from the Russian Reader:

Once upon a time in another fairy tale kingdom, I made a silly
resolution that I would grow a beard and keep it until my sisters and
brothers in HERE Locals 34 and 35 won their strike against Yale
University and got a new contract.

The strike ended ages ago, and the unions won their contract, but I
still have the beard.

Are Broken Windows Worth Our Tears?

A meme embracing the attack on the Labour Minister’s Office, using left-icon Gri

When will Ontario Labour confront the violence of the State? How weak responses from social democratic Ontario Federation of Labour demobilize militancy