Atheist FoundationGeverifieerd account


The official account of the Atheist Foundation of Australia, organisers of the 2010 and 2012 Global Atheist Conventions in Melbourne.

Sydney, NSW, Australia
Geregistreerd in april 2009


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  1. 18 sep.

    Our allies at Sydney Atheists are hosting a talk by Dr Darrin Morgan from FIRIS, on Friday 12 October, at Club Redfern. More details can be found at the link below:

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  2. 31 aug.

    AFA Spokesperson, Steve, appears on tonight during their segment about a Melbourne mum who performs exorcisms in her suburban home.

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  3. 16 aug.

    Tune into 97.3 ABC Illawarra from 10am AEST this morning to hear Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc president, Scott Sharrad, talk about atheism and ethics.

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  4. 3 aug.

    A case at the Australian Human Rights Commission against the Department of Defence and their religiously discriminatory chaplaincy service.

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  5. 19 jul.

    Are you a member of the AFA? Check your email for the latest news and happenings!

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  6. 27 jun.

    Our allies at Sydney Atheists are hosting a talk by Nathan Zamprogno on cults, on Friday 10 August, at Club Redfern. More details can be found at the link below:

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  7. 24 mei

    Our allies at Sydney Atheists are hosting a talk by John Perkins, on Friday 8 June, at The Occidental Hotel. More details can be found at the link below:

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  8. heeft geretweet
    25 apr.

    Huge thanks to for acknowledging ‘Diary of a ‘ in this years nominations. Congrats to our fellow nominees

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  9. 30 apr.
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  10. 22 apr.

    Ron Williams, who previously mounted two High Court challenges against the NSCP, has initiated this petition calling for its funding to be put towards qualified guidance and support staff instead. Please support and spread the word!

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  11. 15 apr.

    Our allies at Sydney Atheists are hosting a talk by Dr Michael Pyne, on Friday 11 May, at Club Redfern. More details can be found at the link below:

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  12. heeft geretweet

    ACTION ALERT: Congress has reintroduced the dangerous and deceptively titled First Amendment Defense Act (). This bill would turn religious belief into a license to discriminate. Tell your Members of Congress to say "nada" to FADA

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  13. heeft geretweet
    14 apr.

    writers: we’re open for submissions! If you ID as an atheist & write poetry, fiction, nonfiction, or genre bending/hybrid work please submit! please RT

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  14. heeft geretweet
    15 apr.

    Why the religious National School Chaplaincy Programme should not be funded beyond 2018 having cost Australian taxpayers almost $700 million without ever demonstrating or being required to demonstrate any measurable outcomes whatsoever (8 minute movie)

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  15. 13 apr.
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  16. 2 apr.

    The AFA website and forums are back online, after having been relocated to a new server.

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  17. heeft geretweet
    31 mrt.

    The first batch of submissions to the Ruddock Review Into Religious Freedom have been published.

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  18. heeft geretweet

    Today is transgender day of visibility: Join us in celebrating trans & gender diverse people! Follow the convo at + Together let’s keep up the campaign to update our state laws & make sure all couples have :

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  19. heeft geretweet
    28 mrt.

    Who Does She Think She Is? - on living with online harassment, and the costs of being a woman in the public eye.

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  20. heeft geretweet

    If you can please give blood over the next few days. Easter is very very busy and the bank runs dry or close to it. One in three Australians will need blood at some time in their life. It’s a privilege to be well enough to donate blood

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