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About borderlands editorial & BOARD changes


Borderlands has made revitalising new additions to its editorial team and international editorial advisory board in 2018.

The long-standing editorial team of Vijay Devadas and Anne Begg is continuing, and have been joined by Brett Nicholls and Anthony Burke.

We are also pleased to announce exciting new additions to our editorial board: Donna Haraway, Claire Colebrook, Dipesh Chakrabarty, Adi Ophir, Samantha Frost, Brian Massumi, Thom Van Dooren and Erin Manning.

We warmly welcome our new editors and board members to the borderlands community. Readers will recognise these as some of the world's leading thinkers in postcolonial studies, continental philosophy, ethics, and feminist, materialist, environmental and posthumanist theory, underscoring the global reputation of borderlands for cutting-edge writing and publishing. We will continue to break critical new directions in race, indigeneity, politics, culture and law, while opening our pages to work in the environmental humanities and new materialist and posthumanist thought, to further extend our collaborative interrogation of the many borderings that fissure and divide our worlds.

—Anthony Burke, Publisher





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ISSN 1447-0810