article By Peter Brimelow on 2018-11-16 03:52:00 -0500

Brimelow At Mencken: “Democrats—Party Of Perjury, Party Of Treason, Party Of Hysterical Screeching.”

Peter Brimelow writes: It’s a measure of the lunatic times in which we live that Paul Gottfried’s entirely peaceful and cerebral H.L. Mencken Club, which I’ve regularly addressed (here and here etc.) h...
post By Federale on 2018-11-16 02:14:00 -0500

Alert: Invasion Begins, Trump Administration Submits!

The latest Caravan Of Death To America By Demographic Displacement has arrived and the Trump Administration, against advice from this correspondent to either end all asylum claims or make claimants wa...
post By Clayton Bishop on 2018-11-15 23:12:00 -0500

New York's Turning Into a One Party State Under Dem Domination Is A Preview Of What Will Happen To The Rest Of The Country

I previously wrote about how the New York Republican Party (NYGOP) lost complete control over the entire state due to "changing demographics" but the Buffalo News reported that the loss was inevitable ...
post By Audacious Epigone on 2018-11-15 23:02:00 -0500

Audacious Epigone: NEW YORK MAGAZINE Contemplates Secession—The Time For Political Dissolution Draws Nearer

Political dissolution is an idea whose time has come. Advocating it a decade ago was met with mockery even from many of those on the dissident right. No longer. A few years ago, Pat Buchanan began talk...
article By Patrick J. Buchanan on 2018-11-15 22:19:00 -0500

Patrick J. Buchanan: Trump Raises the Stakes With CNN

Last week, the White House revoked the press pass of CNN's chief White House correspondent, Jim Acosta, and denied him access to the building. CNN responded by filing suit in federal court against the ...
post By Steve Sailer on 2018-11-15 19:51:00 -0500

Towheadedness And Neoteny

Commenter Chrisnonymous makes a good point: By far, the most interesting aspect of the war on white women and blonde hair is the revealed preference vis-a-vis Judith Rich Harris’ theory of selection f...
post By Eugene Gant on 2018-11-15 18:03:00 -0500

Billy Jack Vs. The Evil, Stupid, White Man

Scott Johnson over at Powerline delivered an amusing synopsis of the iconic 70s movie Billy Jack this morning. You might recall that preposterous film series about the half-white, half-Indian karate-ch...
letter By Reader on 2018-11-15 05:57:00 -0500

A Reader Reports That Minnesota Not Only Has Suicidal Scandinavians, But Guilt-Ridden Germans—Who Elect America-Hating Muslims

Re: Gilbert Cavanaugh's AG Keith Ellison and Rep. Ilhan Omar: Minnesota Muslims Exploiting Suicidal Scandinavians From: Simon Krejsa [Email him] Actually, Germans far outnumber Scandinavians in Minneso...
post By Hubert Collins on 2018-11-15 05:18:00 -0500

Checking Up On Michelle Goldberg: The Ominous Parallels With Ulrike Meinhof

I recently took a glance at Michelle Goldberg’s author page at the New York Times, and could not help but notice her rising existential rage at the state of the nation. She is mad that right-wingers ar...
post By James Fulford on 2018-11-15 04:13:00 -0500

MLK, Antifa, And The City Burning Riots Of The '60s

This is a fascinating Tweet from Joyce Carol Oates, who really is old enough to know better, especially since she was in  Detroit in the '60s during the riots: MLK's nonviolent tactics of civil disobe...