Typing indicator and read receipts

POST direct_messages/mark_read

Marks a message as read in the recipient’s Direct Message conversation view with the sender.

Resource URL


Resource Information

Response formats JSON
Content-Type application/json
Requires authentication? Yes (user context only)
Rate limited? Yes
Requests / 15-min window (user auth) 1000 / 15 minutes


last_read_event_id (required) The message ID of the most recent message to be marked read. All messages before it will be marked read as well.
recipient_id (required) The user ID of the user the message is from.

Example request using Twurl

twurl -X POST /1.1/direct_messages/mark_read.json -d "last_read_event_id=8754578330382663743" -d "recipient_id=3805104374"

HTTP Response Codes

Response contains no body.

Code Message
204 Typing indicator successfully sent.
400 Missing or invalid parameter(s) included in request.

Webhook Event

Coming Soon: If using the Account Activity API, the following JSON payload will be sent to your webhook for all subscribed users.

  "direct_message_mark_read_events": [
      "created_timestamp": "1288834974657",
      "sender_id": "2244994945",
      "last_read_event_id": "877260925346103299",
      "target": {
        "recipient_id": "3805104374"
  "users": {
    // hydrated user objects