You know you need a website. You probably need a social media presence too. But with all the options available these days where are you supposed to start?

Ground Up Creative does the hard work for you. We help you design and create an online strategy that's right for you and your business. We aim to provide low maintenance, simple solutions for your business so you can focus on doing what you love.


Strategic Planning

A successful business starts with a strong and clear vision. We use Permaculture Design facilitation to empower you to define your project goals and direction.


We work with you to design and build your new or updated website. We manage websites on the WordPress software platform which is free and easy to use.

Social Media

No matter what your business, a social media presence is critical to connect with your clients; past, current and future. We help you decide the best platforms to use and the best ways to use them.


We offer a wide range of writing services; from feature articles and blog posts through to editing and proof reading.

Content Creation

A picture can indeed tell 1000 words. We can help you create beautiful photos and film to showcase your work.

Training & Support

Don't worry we won't leave you in the deep end! We hold your hand through all the hard bits, we're there if anything breaks and can bring new staff up to speed.