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4 more days to the mid-term elections — here’s where things stand

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Four days away from the midterm elections, Cliff and I provide lots of election updates, and talk a bit about Trump’s racist new Willy-Horton-style anti-immigrant ad that, of ...

Max Boot on what the hell happened to the Republican party

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Never-Trumper, and former-Republican, Max Boot talks to us about his important new book, “The Corrosion of Conservatism: Why I Left the Right.” Max, a former conservative ...

The MAGAbomber

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Cliff and I talk about the arrest of the MAGAbomber, and Trump’s role in fomenting a week of terror across the United States. As always, there are lots of election updates as ...

America under attack: Clintons, Obamas, Soros & CNN sent bombs

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America is under attack, as multiple incendiary devices are sent simultaneously to the Clintons, the Obamas, George Soros, CNN and more. In this special edition of our podcast, Cliff ...

More election polls, Soros, the caravan, “nationalism,” & the ACA

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With two weeks to go to the midterm elections, today’s episode is ALL elections. We start talking about the GOP’s anti-Semitic attacks on George Soros and the recent bomb ...

Lots of new polls: GOP doing better in Senate, Dems in the House

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Here’s a look at the latest House and Senate polls as we’re nearly two weeks away from the midterm elections.

Mongo election update

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In today’s UnPresidented podcast, we have a huge election update that starts about 40 minutes into the show — in which we talk about a lot of polls and races — but ...

Latest polls show Dems ahead in House, GOP in Senate

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With less than 3 weeks to the midterm elections, there are a slew of new polls, and most show Democrats doing VERY well in the House, but slipping in the Senate. And while I want Democrats ...

How record fundraising & the health care issue are helping Dems in the midterms

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This short excerpt of our latest UnPresidented Podcast talks about the overwhelming advantage Democrats have in fundraising heading in to the midterm congressional elections in three ...
Stormy Daniels

Tiny Trump

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In today’s UnPresidented Podcast episode, we spend a good deal of time with a number of midterm election updates, but we also delve into: Trump’s growing public feud with ...
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