Flags from the countries of all teams who've competed at RoboGames/ROBOlympics.

RoboGames is the Olympics of Robots - we invite the best minds from around the world to compete in over 50 different events: combat robots, fire-fighters, LEGO bots, hockey bots, walking humanoids, soccer bots, sumo bots, and even androids that do kung-fu. Some robots are autonomous, some are remote controlled - but they're all cool! As an open event, anyone can compete - this means you.

RoboGames 2018, the 14th annual all-events world championship, will be held in Pleasanton, CA on Apr 27-29, 2018.

All of the results from the 13th annual event are here.

Relive the excitement of RoboGames - Pre-order the DVD!

Watch our videos to see how cool RoboGames is! No matter what your favorite robot sport is, the best bots in the world come to San Francisco every year. The stands are filled with people watching 220 pound robots shoot flames and smash into each other and androids cart-wheeling down the soccer field. Subscribe to our mailing list to make sure you get all the updates about future TV shows, web video releases, and live events.

To see the action, check out our photo page. But the best way to discover RoboGames is to read the press reports about the show! If you're looking for cool stuff to pretend you were at the show, shop at our store.

BarBot 2017
Dates:Spring, 2017
Event:Bartending Robots! This event is where you can get your bot on with a martini.

Build your own robot!
Want to build your own ComBot? Team RioBotz, winners of several championships, have written a guide:
RioBotz Combot Tutorial 2.0 (PDF - 28.7MB)
Or watch a quick video covering the basics at Revsion3

2018 Int'l RoboGames
Dates:Apr 27-29, 2018
Classes:All Events
Hours:Noon-9pm Friday
Noon-7pm Sat/Sun
Where: The Alameda County Fairgrounds
Cost: $35/person
Buy tickets now!

Tens of thousands of people have attended the last five annual RoboGames and press coverage has gone to millions all over the world. By sponsoring RoboGames, your company can reach millions of customers around the world, help engineers to compete, and influence students into studying science and engineering!

© 2004-2015, Robotics Society of America, Inc (RSA.) "RoboGames" and the RoboGames wordmark is ™ of the RSA. "ComBots" and "ComBot" are ™ of ComBots, LLC.

RoboGames is Presented by:

Visit TriValley

and sponsored by: DieHard