People out here build whole worlds out of nothing, through cooperating. -Larry Harvey
Black Rock gives us all a chance to heal, to become ourselves. - Larry Harvey
Culture is a living breathing organism, that needs to be stimulated, disturbed and set on fire. -Crimson Rose
If you gave yourself permission to be more creative and connected, what would your story be? -Marian Goodell
In the beginning it was all about temporary artwork. Now it’s about work that may have a life far beyond the playa. -Crimson Rose
The ultimate goal of Burning Man is to encourage the culture of creativity. -Marian Goodell
Communities are not produced by sentiment. They grow out of a shared struggle.  -Larry Harvey
If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash.  -Leonard Cohen
What is to give light must endure burning.  -Victor Frankl
Burning Man is a global community with citizens on six continents. You may already be a member!
Burning Man is the place to find out who you are, then take it a step further.
Burner (n): a citizen of the worldview that is Burning Man. May be encountered everywhere.
Burning Man is a laboratory. Not every experiment works, but we’ll never know if we don't try.
Life is short. Make something amazing. (Then burn it)
Burning Man is not a festival. It’s a catalyst for creative culture in the world.

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So, What’s Actually Happening With Fly Ranch?

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Setting a Cultural Direction for Residential Black Rock City

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