Pritish NandyCompte verificat


Poet. Journalist. Maker of films. Member of Parliament. Genesis International Humanitarian Award US. Bangladesh Liberation War Award. Founder People for Animals

Mumbai, Goa, Kolkata
Unit: juny de 2009
Va néixer el 15 de gener


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  1. Tuit fixat
    22 de febr.

    Samovar’s gone. So is Wayside Inn. Eros is about to shut down. So is Strand Book Stall, once the city’s best bookshop. Irani cafes look tired. The old brothels have disappeared. Only Sahir’s words resonate in a city where nothing survives but the loneliness of its people.

  2. ha retuitat
    fa 2 hores

    “I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.”—James Baldwin, writer (2 Aug 1924-1987)

    , , i 4 més
  3. ha retuitat
    1 d’ag.

    From Amit Shah’s utterances, it appears the BJP will run its 2019 campaign on a platform of Fear and Paranoia, with some Hatred thrown in too.

  4. ha retuitat
    fa 21 hores

    Saint John's wilderness church, Nainital, with its lovely stained glass windows is a lovely place. It's on the edge of the forest amidst pine/deodar trees on a hill

    , , i 3 més
  5. ha retuitat
    fa 8 hores
    En resposta a

    Cap the retail prices of the food n drink served at the theatres if you want. Yes currently it’s a ripoff Conversely it’s three hours in a theatre, if current prices are unaffordable then do eat before or right after the show Think of it as mini intermittent fasting

  6. ha retuitat
    fa 9 hores
    En resposta a

    Agreed, bringing outside food into an establishment is about the worst idea ever

  7. fa 9 hores

    Bringing down prices of food in multiplexes may be a good idea though it may result in a rise in ticket prices. But bringing in food from outside is a bad one. Strangers sitting next to each other with different food habits may find it very offensive.

  8. fa 20 hores
  9. ha retuitat
    1 d’ag.

    “Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity over humanity, nothing exceeds most of the criticisms made on the habits of the poor by the well-housed, well-warmed, and well-fed.”—Herman Melville, novelist and poet (1 Aug 1819-1891)

    , , i 4 més
  10. 1 d’ag.
  11. ha retuitat
    1 d’ag.

    It’s not just the history books. They also disapprove of Darwin. 's - What were we smoking then? via

  12. ha retuitat
    1 d’ag.

    Yes, money is always with d ruling dispensation and with the money power it can outmaneuver the opposition parties. But as shown by Delhi-ites in 2015, people power is far greater than money power. But will the people realize what is in their interest when they go out for voting?

  13. ha retuitat
    30 de jul.
    En resposta a

    The fool who thought digital means dependable!!

  14. ha retuitat
    30 de jul.
    En resposta a

    he dared people to hack his aadhar a/c and he was made a pappu by ethical hackers

  15. ha retuitat
    30 de jul.
  16. ha retuitat
    30 de jul.

    Selling tea in childhood, BA in entire pol. science, listening to Rabindra Sangeet daily at an unreal time...We are certainly experiencing a kinda Law of Diminishing Trust on PM's statements.

  17. ha retuitat
    1 d’ag.

    Agree Absolutely. although many like me didn't even vote for this leadership, yet we all suffer en masse. "even if that drops our GDP a bit and brings our stock market back to terra firma".. It's better to be safe than sorry. The current leadership is going to destroy India

  18. 1 d’ag.
  19. ha retuitat
    1 d’ag.

    Odo, 17-month-old, Rottweiler needs a forever home with a garden or large space He's vaccinated, healthy and loves to play with other dogs. To adopt, contact 9871745109 | RT!

    , , i 6 més
  20. 1 d’ag.
  21. ha retuitat
    1 d’ag.

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