  1. „Die Gewohnheit ist ein Seil. Wir weben jeden Tag einen Faden, und schließlich können wir es nicht mehr zerreißen.“ – Thomas Mann

  2. Does having a daily make your life with easier?

  3. New year, new routines! Ask your children what they want to do more of this year & try to incorporate it as part of your weekly !

  4. in Dauerschleife auf den Ohren 🎧🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶🎧

  5. Work hard. Be fit. Have passion. Stay timeless!

  6. Why wear the same boring everyday? An unused opportunity yet to start the day with a moment. A new to add joy.

  7. Erster Schultag und direkt 3 Smartphones einkassieren müssen...danke für nichts Steve! 😅

  8. Through routine and balanced diet, we can tune into our body's internal clock and make regular elimination a part of our daily .

  9. It might be Monday but at least we all know what day of the week it is again

  10. Twitter Dich schlau, hast Du dich schon mal gefragt was bedeutet?

  11. To be successful, routine needs a plan. So map out the morning according to your own personal schedule.

  12. Meine morgendliche habe ich für euch am zusammengefasst :)

  13. Would you guys want to see our daily makeup routine?

  14. This week I talk about the daily routine involved with robotic milking!

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