Twin Cities, MN: A Weekend of Solidarity Against Fascism & Anti-Semitism


The following communique was originally published on the Conflict MN website.

It reads:

Over the weekend of November 9th, several properties owned by Julius DeRoma were attacked. Club Jäger, Hansa Corporation, and DeRoma’s home were subject to dozens of rotten eggs being flung at the targets.

DeRoma’s Club Jäger has had several problems since reopening after being exposed as a political contributor to the former KKK Grand Master David Duke. Some of those problems involve infestation of pests, other than Nazi scum.

Julius DeRoma has several ties to Nazis, Holocaust deniers, and has contributed to several fascists including Patrick Little, a vehement White Nationalist that supports violence against Jews. Patrick Little was also in contact with Robert Bowers the fascist that murdered 11 people at the Synagogue in late October. Julius DeRoma has hosted holocaust denier David Irving in 2012. Our struggle to combat fascism doesn’t stop here, and our campaign against DeRoma has only just begun.

Solidarity Means Attack.

With Love & Rage,

An Unruly Crew of Twin Cities Anti-Fascists

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