Authors Posts by Puget Sound Anarchists

Puget Sound Anarchists

Puget Sound Anarchists
66 POSTS 0 COMMENTS is a news website that runs stories by or of interest to anarchists in the Puget Sound region. We accept signed or anonymous submissions.

From the Puget Sound to Stumptown: All Out to Defend PDX

A call for mass opposition to block Joey Gibson and the Proud Boys from launching yet another violent attack on Portland. Originally posted to Puget Sound Anarchists.  For nearly two years the Pacific Northwest and beyond...

5th Person Arrested & Charged with Felonies for Olympia Mayday 2017

Over a year later, authorities are going back and charging yet another person over May Day actions in Olympia, in an effort to squash resistance in the streets of the Pacific Northwest, at a...

Support Portland Arrestees & Injured in Patriot Prayer Confrontation

Please donate to help those injured and arrested during confrontations with Patriot Prayer in Portland, Oregon. Rose City Antifa is also doing a fundraiser as well. Please donate HERE In Portland, OR, on June 30, Joey...

Tacoma, WA: Noise Demo at Occupy ICE NWDC Attacked by Police

Report on police attack late last night against #OccupyICEnwdc by Tacoma police. Tonight, ten of us were arrested during a festive noise demonstration in solidarity with undocumented migrants and for the abolition of ICE and...

Tacoma, WA: Encampment Grows at NWDC Immigration Prison

A call to participate in the growing encampment in Tacoma, Washington that was originally published on Puget Sound Anarchists. A growing encampment has established itself at the Northwest Detention Center immigration prison in Tacoma....

Olympia Copwatch on Private Security in the Downtown

Olympia Copwatch reports on a campaign in the downtown area to stop the harassment of houseless people. Earlier this month the Olympia Downtown Alliance, an interest group of business owners and landlords who put pressure...

Olympia, WA: Neo-Nazis Chased Out of Downtown

The following anonymous report was originally posted to Puget Sound Anarchists. For the past few days a small crew of bonehead neo-Nazis had been repeatedly seen in downtown Olympia. On the afternoon of May...

Kent, WA: Call to Defend Planned Parenthood from ‘Patriot Prayer’ June 9th

Call for a Pacific Northwest regional convergence against Patriot Prayer and Joey Gibson, who plans on rallying against Planned Parenthood on June 9th. Joey Gibson and his cohorts in Patriot Prayer have yet again called...

Seattle Decentralized May Day 2018 Roundup

The following is a roundup and analysis of May Day in Seattle that was originally published on Puget Sound Anarchists. After years of calls for Anti-Capitalist Marches on May Day, Seattle was ready for...

Seattle May Day Reverie: One Lone Anarchist’s Account and Analysis

This critical analysis and reflection of May Day was originally posted on Puget Sound Anarchists. In our thoroughly alienated and anxious time it is not a wonder that some anarchists find themselves alone on...