Jill E DuffyOverený účet


Writer: tech & productivity. Columnist Contributor to . Personal stuff: tinyletter (/jilleduffy)

Bucharest, Romania
Na Twitteri od: december 2008


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  1. Pripnutý Tweet
    31. 3. 2018

    Here are 10 simple tech and Internet tips I find helpful or interesting. Many are very simple but maybe you'll find something you didn't know.

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  2. pred 6 hodinami

    On the one hand, it could give the middle class that boost it needs and hasn't had in a few decades. On the other hand, people who got no family money for college (I'm in that category) might feel yet another disadvantage.

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  3. pred 6 hodinami

    Imagine if the US were able to do free college/university tuition; parents who had socked away thousands of dollars tax-free for edu could roll it into other options for kids, like housing down payment or small business startup costs. What else could that $ could do?

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  4. pred 8 hodinami

    Tiny Dog smells like she ate rotten eggs and then smoked some really shitty weed. Also, the Big Dog came home basically with dread locks. I can only imagine what goes on at that pet hotel.

  5. pred 9 hodinami

    Thread. And now, I ever so slightly miss working in an office.

  6. pred 9 hodinami

    Listening to talk about how women are treated as lesser than men in the acting world. I look up her IMDb, & paragraph 1 is about how she missed "true stardom" despite HER MARRIAGE. She WON AN ACADEMY AWARD for crying out loud! Stop defining women by who they marry!

  7. 29. 4.

    Get Organized: How to Kid-Proof Your iPhone or iPad Make adult content inaccessible or disable parts of the screen entirely. Here's how to do it.

  8. 29. 4.

    In Europe, “Monday” has been renamed GoT Spoilers Day.

  9. Retweetol používateľ
    25. 4.

    3 Pro soccer players played against 100 children This is kind of awesome

  10. Retweetol používateľ
    28. 4.

    woke up to this (poddaroz_weimaraner IG)

  11. Retweetol používateľ
    28. 4.

    This is not what you need after 26.2 miles.

  12. Retweetol používateľ
    28. 4.

    Expressing love & gratitude to someone who has positively impacted you is a gift that costs nothing to you, but may mean the world to them. Tell your friends you love them; it's better than later regretting that you didn't.

  13. Retweetol používateľ
    28. 4.

    mark zuckerberg is out here thinking if he just wears the same tshirt everyday, he can avoid decision fatigue. I would like to see him try living like a woman for a month.

    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  14. 27. 4.

    Yet another case of “Yeah, but password managers do this”

  15. 27. 4.
    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  16. 27. 4.

    So, they let the dogs go, just set them out into the fields of Romania. Not really, of course. But that’s where my worrying mind went. The staff were cool about it. I still feel bad.

    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  17. 27. 4.

    Pet hotel saga wasn’t as smooth as I let it seem. They DID want the dogs’ “health books” and I didn’t know and didn’t bring them. “Ok, take a photo of them when you get home & email them to us.” I did but only page 1, which wasn’t correct 😫

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  18. Retweetol používateľ
    27. 4.

    By using some of the apps suggested here, alongside professional financial advice when you need it, you can create a long-term plan for your money.

  19. Retweetol používateľ
    26. 4.

    We've been swooning over this cover for weeks and now we can hold it in our hands. 's THE NOBODY PEOPLE is about ordinary individuals with extraordinary gifts who just want to live as equals in an America that is gripped by fear and hatred. Coming 9/3!

  20. 26. 4.

    The dogs survived drop off at the pet hotel. Partner and I made it to Copenhagen. Now I try to enjoy.

  21. 25. 4.

    This unwarranted worry for creatures under my responsibility is very much part of why I have no children.

    Zobraziť toto vlákno

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