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FORT LAUDERDALE (CBSMiami) — Self-confessed Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz appeared in bond court Wednesday afternoon on new charges involving the jailhouse attack of a Broward Sheriff’s Office detention sergeant.

nikolas cruz bond hearing jailhouse attack BSO: Self Confessed Parkland Shooter Nikolas Cruz Accused Of Attacking Jail Guard

Nikolas Cruz in bond court on Nov. 14, 2018 on charges of assaulting a BSO detention deputy in the Broward County main jail. (CBS4)

In a hearing that lasted about 4 minutes, Cruz stood in front of a judge with messy hair, looking down and not saying a word.

BSO investigators paint a very different picture of the confessed parkland killer Tuesday evening.

According to BSO, Cruz went after sergeant inside the BSO Main Jail in Fort Lauderdale on Tuesday.

According to the police report, the deputy was assigned to a “Dayroom area while he was guarding inmate Nikolas Cruz.”

BSO Sgt. Raymond Beltran stated that he requested “Cruz not drag his sandals on the ground while walking around the Dayroom area.”

Cruz gave Beltran the middle finger, according to the report.

Then, when Beltran began to stand up, Cruz “rushed him and struck him in the face,” states the report.

During the physical alternation, Beltran said in the report that Cruz was able to grab his stun gun, technically called a “conducive electronic weapon” and it discharged as he tried to “gain control of it back from Cruz.”

“For whatever reason he attacks the sergeant, there’s a struggle going on and at some point the inmate is able to get the sergeant’s taser. It does discharge,” said Veda Coleman-Wright with BSO. “Fortunately no one was struck.”



BSO describes in video of the incident, Beltran getting punched repeatedly by Cruz and Cruz taking the stun gun from his duty belt. Beltran was able to eventually strike back and hit Cruz in the face at which time he “retreated to one of the seats in the Dayroom, at which point Beltran was able to take him into custody.”

“The sergeant is able to get the taser back and he’s able to take the inmate into custody and get control of the situation,” said Coleman-Wright.

The report does not mention the severity of any injuries to either Cruz or Beltran, and BSO said there were no serious injuries.

Cruz was charged with aggravated assault and battery on a police officer, and use of an electric or chemical weapon on a law enforcement officer.

Preliminary bond was set at $200,000 for two of the charges — battery on an officer and using a stun gun against a law enforcement officer.

Cruz appeared at a brief initial hearing Wednesday with bail set at $200,000 for two of the charges. Another hearing is scheduled for Friday afternoon on the aggravated assault on an officer charge.

But he won’t be released because he already faces the death penalty and is being held without bail in the Feb. 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland that killed 17 people and wounded 17 others. He’s pleaded not guilty in the shooting but his lawyers say he would plead guilty in exchange for a life prison sentence.

Andrew Pollock’s daughter Meadow was murdered at Stoneman Douglas.

He doesn’t hold back when hearing how his daughter’s confessed killer is accused of attacking a correction’s sergeant in the Broward County jail.

“The officers should have finished what he started, that’s what they should have done and they had their opportunity last night,” Pollock said.


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