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Fox News says it will support CNN in legal action against the White House

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"While we don’t condone the growing antagonistic tone by both the president and the press at recent media avails, we do support a free press, access and open exchanges for the American people," Fox News President Jay Wallace said in a statement on Wednesday.

Fox News Releases Statement Supporting CNN’s Lawsuit Against The WH

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Breaking: Fox News says the network "supports CNN in its legal effort to regain its White House reporter's press credentials." Here's the full statement

651 svar 3 958 retweets 11 178 gillanden

: Fox News backs CNN’s lawsuit against Trump admin over pulling Acosta’s press pass

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Fox News President Jay Wallace announces network will file court brief in support of CNN suit agst Trump

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Fox News president Jay Wallace: "Secret Service passes for working White House journalists should never be weaponized"

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This is significant: following losing his press credentials, president has issued this statement: "FOX News supports CNN in its legal effort to regain its White House reporter’s press credential. We intend to file an amicus brief with the U.S. District Court."

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Joint statement on CNN/Acosta lawsuit from AP, Bloomberg, First Look Media, Fox News, Gannett, NBC, NYT, Politico, USA Today, WashPost & others:

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Fox News will file an amicus brief in support of and CNN. Thank you ! Statement from Jay Wallace below:

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This is major. "While we don’t condone the growing antagonistic tone by both the president and the press at recent media avails, we do support a free press, access and open exchanges for the American people,” --FOX News President.

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CNN says it has filed a lawsuit against President Donald Trump's administration over reporter Jim Acosta's press ban.

81 svar 196 retweets 599 gillanden