Out with the Old, in with the New: Jacket Discount Action

As you might know, we rarely do discount actions or other gimmicks of the sort. And when we do, there is usually a good reason. Well, this time, there are two. In general, we are aiming to have the new webpage ready by early September (it will be the difference between the stone age and the space era!) and the more stuff we can get rid of, the less the work of entering new items into the new shop. So, look for quite a few discount actions over the next few weeks.

In particular, we begin again by drastically reducing the jacket prices. Why? Because we are again working on the newest round of jackets (mainly sweatjackets) for this Fall. Some new designs, some classics will be back, all are incredible.

Long story short… all jackets are up to 50% off for at least the next couple of weeks. Here you are…

And of course, still for 9€ the one you are all going crazy for…

3 Antworten auf „Out with the Old, in with the New: Jacket Discount Action“

  1. 1 "fetter_skinhead" 16. Juli 2012 um 18:42 Uhr

    „Because we are again working on the newest round of jackets “

    hey comerads
    if you create some new shit, make some stuff for the tall and fat people …. fuck lookism not every skinhead over 130kg is a nazi :-)

    cheers ///

  2. 2 oi black 17. Juli 2012 um 16:01 Uhr

    if there’s space for any wishes left, i‘d like to add that something in green-white would be knorke… ;)


  3. 3 Administrator 18. Juli 2012 um 1:05 Uhr

    -fetter skinhead: the „for small people only“ character of our sweatjackets has nothing to do with lookism, and a lot to do with our very amateurish skills with textile cuts. :-)

    But this is one of the main reasons why we want to be able to make the new stuff as soon as possible, so that the sizing will finally be „normal.“

    -oi black: We shall see, but it looks schwerig.

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