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There will be no Christmas Day episode of Doctor Who this year

Television Earlier today
The show's annual holiday special will move to January 1. This will be the first Christmas Day without a new episode of Doctor Who shown on British TV since 2005. The long-running series has been revamped by new show-runner Chris Chibnall.

News Just In... The latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine CONFIRMS there will be NO Christmas special this year, and it will instead move to NEW YEAR'S DAY!

240 replies 467 retweets 1,091 likes

so for the first time since 2005 there will be no Christmas special, instead there will be an episode airing on New Years Day, tbh I’m just happy we’re still getting a special no matter when it airs

10 replies 110 retweets 664 likes

Steven Moffat: *changes the ending of The Doctor Falls and made Twice Upon A Time so Doctor Who wouldn’t lose the Christmas time slot* Chris Chibnall:

16 replies 97 retweets 536 likes

When they announced that wont have a Christmas episode this year.

7 replies 462 retweets 1,158 likes

Christmas Day Routine... Wake Up Put Xmas Music On Open Presents Eat Bacon off the Turkey Admire Presents Eat Christmas Dinner Admire Presents More... Watch Discuss Admire Presents Even More... 😳 Play A Game Go Bed. CHIBNALL YOU’VE RUINED MY ROUTINE‼️😡

17 replies 76 retweets 575 likes

THIS DOESN’T LOOK RIGHT! Christmas Day Routine... Wake Up Put Xmas Music On Open Presents Eat Bacon off the Turkey Admire Presents Eat Christmas Dinner Admire Presents More... - - Admire Presents Even More... 😳 Play A Game Go Bed.

3 replies 14 retweets 179 likes

I’m a bit sad that there isn’t a Christmas special because the show has been my family when I haven’t had one, but I’m excited for an extra episode either way and change is what the show is all about.

14 replies 33 retweets 435 likes

admittedly a bit sad at the news cos Doctor Who's been part of my Christmas Day tradition as long as I can remember oh well

5 replies 27 retweets 197 likes

For a whole generation growing up, Doctor Who on Christmas Day has become a tradition as much as opening presents, Christmas dinner and spending time with family. To loose it is very bad decision.

12 replies 64 retweets 373 likes
Replying to

I’m Australian and we got it Boxing Day and our tree would already be down along with most decorations so it was a bit weird really. Change might do it good.

8 replies 4 retweets 50 likes

The one thing I do really like about losing the Christmas special is uncoupling Doctor Who from a religious holiday. I mean, there's nothing about Doctor Who that should tether it to Christianity, there's a whole universe of faiths to connect to.

24 replies 23 retweets 161 likes

Gonna go out on a limb here and say that this is most definitely NOT a good thing. For a supposed flagship show not to have a presence on the Beeb's Christmas Day schedule is a step down, no matter how anyone wants to try and spin it.

7 replies 24 retweets 135 likes

Doctor Who isn't on at Christmas and people are acting as if Chris Chibnall has personally come to their house and murdered Father Christmas right in front of their entire family and then left with their presents and Christmas dinner with a huge grin on his face.

21 replies 99 retweets 488 likes

Controversial opinion: like moving Doctor Who from Saturday to Sundays, moving to Christmas Special to New Years is a smart strategic move. Sherlock was getting 11-14m on New Years Day. Whereas Who can only meet expectations of Tennant/Smith on Dec 25th. This is the right move.

5 replies 6 retweets 89 likes

Doctor Who moving from Christmas to New Year is... actually pretty damn exciting. So many story possibilities you could make out of that. The TV Movie already showed us the potential, so now let's have some modern takes on the Doctor saving the new year!

9 replies 15 retweets 173 likes

There is a 'Christmas' Special this year. It's just on a different day. Just so you know....

6 replies 6 retweets 72 likes

Who’s up for joining me on a joint watch 3pm Christmas day??!

16 replies 11 retweets 123 likes