Create and manage lists
GET lists/list¶
Returns all lists the authenticating or specified user subscribes to, including their own. The user is specified using the user_id
or screen_name
parameters. If no user is given, the authenticating user is used.
A maximum of 100 results will be returned by this call. Subscribed lists are returned first, followed by owned lists. This means that if a user subscribes to 90 lists and owns 20 lists, this method returns 90 subscriptions and 10 owned lists. The reverse
method returns owned lists first, so with reverse=true
, 20 owned lists and 80 subscriptions would be returned. If your goal is to obtain
every list a user owns or subscribes to, use GET lists / ownerships and/or GET lists / subscriptions instead.
Resource URL¶
Resource Information¶
Response formats | JSON |
Requires authentication? | Yes |
Rate limited? | Yes |
Requests / 15-min window (user auth) | 15 |
Requests / 15-min window (app auth) | 15 |
Name | Required | Description | Default Value | Example |
user_id | optional | The ID of the user for whom to return results. Helpful for disambiguating when a valid user ID is also a valid screen name. Note: : Specifies the ID of the user to get lists from. Helpful for disambiguating when a valid user ID is also a valid screen name. | 12345 | |
screen_name | optional | The screen name of the user for whom to return results. Helpful for disambiguating when a valid screen name is also a user ID. | noradio | |
reverse | optional | Set this to true if you would like owned lists to be returned first. See description above for information on how this parameter works. | true |
Example Request¶
Example Response¶
"slug": "meetup-20100301",
"name": "meetup-20100301",
"created_at": "Sat Feb 27 21:39:24 +0000 2010",
"uri": "/twitterapi/meetup-20100301",
"subscriber_count": 147,
"id_str": "8044403",
"member_count": 116,
"mode": "public",
"id": 8044403,
"full_name": "@twitterapi/meetup-20100301",
"description": "Guests attending the Twitter meetup on 1 March 2010 at the @twoffice",
"user": {
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"description": "The Real Twitter API. I tweet about API changes, service issues and happily answer questions about Twitter and our API. Don't get an answer? It's on my website.",
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"uri": "/twitterapi/team",
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"member_count": 20,
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"description": "",
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"protected": false,
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"followers_count": 1444739,
"description": "The Real Twitter API. I tweet about API changes, service issues and happily answer questions about Twitter and our API. Don't get an answer? It's on my website.",
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