Health and Pharmaceutical Products and Services

You can view available translations of this article by selecting a language in the bottom-right corner of this page. Translations are provided as a convenience, and are not meant to change the content of our policies. The English version will control and should be your reference in case of conflict between a translation and the English version.

Twitter Ads Policies

This policy applies to Twitter’s paid advertising products, which are Tweets, trends and accounts.

For more information about Twitter’s paid advertising products, click here

For information about Twitter’s other policies, click here.

What's the policy?

Twitter restricts the promotion of health and pharmaceutical products and services. These restrictions are based on the specific product or service being promoted, as well as the country that the campaign is targeting. To determine the policy for your product or service and the country or countries you wish to target, see the country-specific information below. Unless listed below, the promotion of health and pharmaceutical products and services is prohibited.

Note: In certain cases listed below, accounts are only permitted to advertise if they have prior authorization from Twitter. Authorization starts with being in touch with a Twitter account team. Instructions for contacting Twitter are included in each case.

What products or services are subject to this policy?

This policy applies, but is not limited, to:

  •  Pharmacies
    •  Online pharmacies
    •  Brick and mortar pharmacies
    •  Compounding (custom prescription) pharmacies
    •  Pet pharmacies
  •  Pharmaceutical and medical products
    •  Controlled, prescription, and non-prescription pharmaceuticals
    •  Pharmaceutical manufacturers
    •  Informational sites or blogs focusing on prescription drugs
    •  Regulated medical devices
    •  Prescription medication discount cards
    •  Clinical trials
    •  Emergency contraceptives like the morning-after pill and birth control pills
  •  Health claims about the cure, treatment, diagnosis or prevention of certain diseases and conditions
  •  Health supplements
    •  Dietary supplements that contain anabolic steroids
    •  Dietary supplements that are marketed using references to steroids, for example, that the name, ingredients, or effects of the supplement are similar to steroid-like substances
  •  Nutrition products, including weight loss products, marketed with unreasonable or unsubstantiated claims
  •  Medical and cosmetic services
    •  Abortion clinics
    •  Botox treatment
    • Prenatal gender selection products and services

What products and services are not subject to this policy?

This policy generally does not apply to:

  •  Prescription glasses and sunglasses
  •  Hospitals, medical and dental practices
  •  STI/STD clinics
  •  Non-prescription contraceptives, such as condoms or over-the-counter spermicides, vaginal sponges, etc., if available in a targeted country.
  •  Lubricants
  •  Ads cannot contain sexual content, link to sexual content, or link to any other prohibited content. See Adult and sexual products and services policy for information on sexual content in ads.

How does this policy vary from country to country?

To determine the policy for your product or service and the country or countries you wish to target, see the country-specific information below. Unless listed below, the promotion of health and pharmaceutical products and services is prohibited.

OTC medication advertisements

Advertisements for licensed over-the-counter (“OTC”) medications are permitted only when targeting the countries below:

  • Africa and Middle East: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestinian Territories, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
  • Asia Pacific: Australia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Russia, New Zealand    
  • Europe: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Macedonia, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, UK and jurisdictions
  • Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Uruguay
  • North America: Canada, U.S.

The following additional requirements apply to health and pharmaceutical products and services advertisements targeting certain countries:


  • Advertisements for non-prescription contraceptives and lubricants are prohibited.


  • Promotion of OTC drugs is permitted so long as the drug approved for advertisement by the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG).
  • Advertisement of prescription drugs and medical devices are prohibited.


  •  Advertisements for online pharmacies and online drugstores registered with the Pharmacy Guild of Australia or Medicare Australia are permitted.  These advertisers may only target Australia, and are only allowed with prior authorization from Twitter.


  • Promoting non-prescription contraceptives is prohibited.



  • Ads for homeopathic products are prohibited


  • OTC drugs, herbal medicines, vitamins and mineral products are permitted but the product being advertised must be approved by the Danish Health and Medicines Authority.
  • Ads for pharmaceutical compounding products (magistral medicinal products) are prohibited.


  • Promoting non-prescription contraceptives is prohibited.


  •  OTC ads for humans and animals drugs are permitted. The medical drug advertised must be authorized by Finnish Medicines Agency.
  • Ads for health supplements are permitted as long as they do not imply that they possess features that prevent, cure, or heal diseases.


  • Advertisements from pharmaceutical manufacturers are permitted with restrictions. These advertisers may only target France.


  • Advertisments from pharmaceutical manufacturers are permitted with restrictions. These advertisers may only target Germany.

Hong Kong


  •  Promoting infant food, milk substitutes and feeding bottles is prohibited.
  • The advertising of prenatal gender determination technology, medicines, or kits is not permitted. 


  •  Healthcare products and cosmetic products are allowed with restrictions.


  • Promoting non-prescription contraceptives is prohibited.


  • Advertisements from pharmaceutical manufacturers are permitted with restrictions. These advertisers may only target Ireland.


  • Advertisements from pharmaceutical manufacturers are permitted with restrictions. These advertisers may only target Italy.


  • The online sale of government-permitted OTC drugs is permitted.
  •  Healthcare products and supplements are permitted subject to restrictions.
  •  Pharmaceutical manufacturers may promote informational sites and public service announcements subject to restrictions.
  •  Promoting the sale of contact lenses is permitted.


  • Promoting non-prescription contraceptives is prohibited.


  •  Healthcare products and cosmetic products are allowed with restrictions.
  •  Promoting non-prescription contraceptives is prohibited.


  •  Promoting non-prescription contraceptives is prohibited.


  •  Promoting non-prescription contraceptives is prohibited.



  •  OTC drugs and non-prescription drugs are permitted but advertisements must be approved by the Medicine Advertisements Board.
  •  Advertisements by healthcare practitioners are restricted to the name, field of practice, and place of practice of the practitioner. Testimonials are prohibited.
  •  Advertisements by private healthcare facilities are restricted to general information such as name, location, contact information, hours, type of facility and prices imposed. Testimonials are prohibited.
  •  Slimming products, whether used orally or through physical application are prohibited.


  •  Dietary supplements (including bodybuilding and weight loss supplements) are prohibited.


  • Where applicable the advertisement must include the Ministry of Health authorization number.
  •  Promoting non-prescription contraceptives is prohibited.


  • Advertising OTC medical devices and in-vitro diagnostic medical devices targeted to the Netherlands is allowed.
  • Branding and sales ads for OTC drugs targeted to the Netherlands is permitted. This includes online sale by pharmacies and drugstores.
  • Advertisements from pharmaceutical manufacturers are permitted with restrictions. These advertisers may only target The Netherlands.

New Zealand

  •  Ads for products that contain therapeutic claims are permitted subject to restrictions.


  • Ads for non-prescription drugs must not mention serious diseases such as diabetes, sexually transmittable diseases and tuberculosis.


  •  Promoting non-prescription contraceptives is prohibited.

Palestinian Territories

  •  Promoting non-prescription contraceptives is prohibited.



  •  OTC drugs are allowed with restrictions.
  •  Healthcare products and cosmetic products are allowed with restrictions.
  •  Only licensed medical practitioners may advertise medical services. Advertisements by medical practitioners are restricted to the name, address, office hours and licensed area of practice of the practitioner.


  • Ads for products that contain therapeutic claims are permitted subject to restrictions.


  •  Promoting non-prescription contraceptives is prohibited.


  •  Advertisements targeting Russia must be in the Russian language.
  •  Sale of OTC drugs is permitted as long as the product is authorised by the State Register of Medicines.
  •  Advertisements for OTC drugs must include a mandatory disclaimer in Russian: “Есть противопоказания. Посоветуйтесь с врачом.” (There are contraindications. Consult with your doctor.)
  •  Advertisements must not promote a consumer good as an effective medical treatment or as having medical properties.
  •  Advertising medical services is prohibited, eg. advertisements which include names of medical services, or medical equipment, or words that indicate medical activities.
  • Pharmaceutical manufacturers are permitted to advertise (with the exception of prescription drugs)

Saudi Arabia

  •  OTC drugs are allowed with restrictions. Advertisements must be approved by the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) and display the acceptance decision number of the SFDA.
  •  Cosmetic products are allowed with restrictions.
  •  Promoting non-prescription contraceptives is prohibited.


  •  Cosmetic products are allowed with restrictions.
  •  Only licensed hospitals, medical clinics, clinical laboratories and healthcare institutions that are listed in the HCI Directory may advertise medical services.


  • The promotion and sale of OTC drugs and food supplements is permitted if the advertiser holds a license granted by the Agency for Medicinal Products and Medicinal Devices of the Republic of Slovenia.
  • The advertisements must be in the Slovenian language and contain the following information:
    • the following statement: Pred uporabo natančno preberite navodilo! O tveganju in neželenih učinkih se posvetujte z zdravnikom ali s farmacevtom” (Meaning: "Always read the instructions! About the risk of adverse effects, ask your doctor or pharmacist”). This warning message must represent at least 10% of the total ad space.
  • The advertisements shall not contain claims or recommendations from scientists, experts from the field of human or veterinary medicine or publicly known persons.

South Korea

  •  Promoting medical and dental services is prohibited.  
  •  Promoting sanitary aids and cosmetics is permitted with restrictions.


  •   Promoting products that treat the following diseases or ailments is prohibited:
    • Tuberculosis
    • Serious sexually transmitted or infectious diseases
    • Cancer and other tumor-related diseases
    • Chronic insomnia
    • Diabetes and other metabolic diseases
    • Ads for products that contain therapeutic claims are permitted subject to restrictions.
  • Advertisements from pharmaceutical manufacturers are permitted with restrictions. These advertisers may only target Spain.


  • Health claims, including claims related to health, performance and well being with regards to food product are prohibited.
  • Cosmetic ads are permitted as long as it complies with local laws and regulations.


  •  Advertising OTC drugs and herbal/alternative medicines targeted to Switzerland is allowed.


  •  Promoting non-prescription contraceptives is prohibited.


  • Advertisements from pharmaceutical manufacturers are permitted with restrictions. These advertisers may only target Turkey.


  • The advertising of OTC drugs is allowed. There are certain exceptions to this, please see list of OTC exceptions here.

United Arab Emirates

  •  Healthcare products and cosmetic products and services are allowed with restrictions. These advertisers must be licensed by the Ministry of Health.  
  •  Promoting non-prescription contraceptives is prohibited.

UK and jurisdictions

  • Advertising OTC medical devices and in-vitro diagnostic medical devices targeted to the UK is allowed.
  • Advertisements from pharmaceutical manufacturers are permitted with restrictions. These advertisers may only target the UK.


  •  Advertisements for brick and mortar pharmacies are permitted provided that they do not promote the online sale or refill of prescription drugs. These advertisers may only target the United States, and are only allowed with prior authorization from Twitter.
  •  Advertisements for online pharmacies accredited by the National Association Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) are permitted with restrictions.  These advertisers may only target the United States, and are only allowed with prior authorization from Twitter.
  •  Advertisements from pharmaceutical manufacturers are permitted with restrictions. These advertisers may only target the United States, and are only allowed with prior authorization from Twitter.
  •  Advertisements for medical devices are permitted.
    • Medical devices that require FDA pre market approvals or notifications are only allowed with prior authorization from Twitter.
    • These advertisers may only target the United States.


  •  Promoting non-prescription contraceptives is prohibited.

What do advertisers need to know about this policy?

Review our guidelines and make sure you understand the requirements for your brand and business. You are responsible for all your promoted content on Twitter. This includes complying with applicable laws and regulations regarding advertisements.

What other Twitter resources relate to this policy?

Drugs and drug paraphernalia

Policies for keyword targeting

Policies for the Twitter website tag

How to contact Twitter with questions or feedback about something on this page

Please file a ticket with our Support team for any of the following reasons. You can do so by logging in to and filing a support ticket using the Help? button in the top right corner of your ads dashboard.

  •  You are a pharmaceutical manufacturer who is looking to target ads to the U.S. or Canada, which requires prior authorization from Twitter.
  •  You are a pharmaceutical manufacturer who is looking to promote clinical trials targeting the US, which requires prior authorization from Twitter.
  •  You are an advertiser who is looking to promote Medical Devices that require FDA pre market approvals or notifications, which requires prior authorization from Twitter.
  •  You are an advertiser whose account or Tweets are under review and you would like to check on the status or request an expedited review
  • You believe that your account or Tweets were incorrectly reviewed

Learn more about blocking or dismissing ads by reading this article on “Reporting Twitter Ads”. To report an ad that is potentially violating these policies, use the Report an Ad form.

Using Twitter Ads Policy, the Twitter Rules and our Terms of Service, we will examine reported violations and take appropriate action.

If you are interested in advertising on Twitter and want to learn more, please visit

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