Illegal Products and Services

You can view available translations of this article by selecting a language in the bottom-right corner of this page. Translations are provided as a convenience, and are not meant to change the content of our policies. The English version will control and should be your reference in case of conflict between a translation and the English version.

This policy applies to Twitter’s paid advertising products.

What's the policy?

Twitter prohibits the advertising or promotion of products, services or activities considered illegal in a given jurisdiction.

How does this policy vary from country to country?

This policy applies to Twitter Ads in all countries. The following country-specific guidelines provide further examples of ads prohibited on the Twitter Ads Platform.


  • Infant food, milk substitutes/formula, and feeding bottles.


  • Fast food products and services.


  • Infant food, milk substitutes/formula, and feeding bottles.


  • Pig, pork products and its derivatives.


  • The music genre Reggaeton.


  • Infant food, milk substitutes/formula, and feeding bottles.


Promotion of legal professional services to Japan requires the following to be included in the ad:

  • name of the representative
  • contact information
  • the bar association the attorney belongs to and/or the license number of the attorney


  • Pig, pork products and its derivatives.


  • Pig, pork products and its derivatives.


  • Ads using national symbols, anthems or flags.


  • Pig, pork products and its derivatives
  • Ads using national symbols, anthems or flags



  • Ads using the national flag without permission.


  • Informational products without applicable age ratings. An informational product is a product intended for circulation in the mass media (e.g., TV, radio), a printed product (e.g., magazine, newspaper), an audiovisual product in any form (e.g., computer programs), databases, as well as information disseminated by means of entertaining activities and information placed in informational and telecommunication networks (including the Internet).

Saudi Arabia

  • Pig, pork products and its derivatives.
  • Energy drinks.


  • Infant food, milk substitutes/formula, and feeding bottles.

United Arab Emirates

  • Pig, pork products and its derivatives.


  • It is prohibited to use or imitate the images of the State Coat of Arms of Ukraine, the State Flag of Ukraine, the sounding of the State Anthem of Ukraine in advertising.

What do advertisers need to know about this policy?

Review our guidelines and make sure you understand the requirements for your brand and business. You are responsible for all your promoted content on Twitter. This includes complying with applicable laws and regulations regarding online advertisements.

If you are an advertiser whose account or Tweets are under review and you would like to check on the status or request an expedited review, please log in to and file a support ticket using the Help button in the top right corner of your ads dashboard.

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