Promoted Trends guidelines

You can view available translations of this article by selecting a language in the bottom-right corner of this page. Translations are provided as a convenience, and are not meant to change the content of our policies. The English version will control and should be your reference in case of conflict between a translation and the English version.

Twitter Ads Policies

This policy applies to Twitter’s paid advertising products, which are Tweets, trends and accounts.

For more information about Twitter’s paid advertising products, click here

For information about Twitter’s other policies, click here.

Twitter Trends appear alongside or within every user’s timeline, and represent emerging popular topics. Promoted Trends occupy the top spot among a user’s trends, and can receive massive exposure. To ensure that users see trends that are legible and relevant, we've developed a set of editorial and content guidelines to which your Promoted Trend must comply. 

Editorial guidelines

  • Twitter allows the fair use of trademarks in Promoted Trend names such as those used by resellers of authentic goods or services, for informational purposes such as product reviews, and for comparative advertising when supported by independent research. Promoted Trend names that feature trademarked brands in a way that mislead or confuse users with regard to their brand or business affiliation may be considered a trademark policy violation. Twitter reserves the right to decline to run advertising campaigns for any reason including, but not limited to, propensity to mislead or confuse users and/or degrade the user experience.
  • Your Promoted Trend may not contain excessive capitalization, as this can appear spammy to users.
  • While a Promoted Trend may contain punctuation, symbols or spaces, please know that the same term will not trend organically. This is due to the fact that, except in Promoted Trends, including punctuation, symbols, or spaces in a hashtag will break up the hashtag. Numbers in hashtags are okay (e.g. #ToyStory3)
    • For example: you might create the Promoted Trend #salt&pepper. If you then use #salt&pepper in an organic tweet, the hashtag will appear as #salt. To ensure that your Promoted Trend is able to trend organically, do not include punctuation, symbols or spaces in your Promoted Trend.
  • Your Promoted Trend name length cannot exceed ~20 characters. Since not every character is the same width, your actual character limit will vary.

Content guidelines

  • Your Promoted Trend and/or image may not imply affiliation or partnership with Twitter, other organizations or individuals without permission. Read more here.
  • Your Promoted Trend and/or image must be relevant to your product/service or brand
  • Your Promoted Trend and/or image may not contain adult sexual content
  • Your Promoted Trend and/or image may not contain profanity or offensive language

Have questions or feedback about something on this page?

If you are an advertiser whose account or Tweets are under review and you would like to check on the status or request an expedited review, please log in to and file a support ticket using the Help? button in the top right corner of your ads dashboard.

Learn more about blocking or dismissing ads by reading this article on “Reporting Twitter Ads”. To report an ad that is potentially violating these policies, use the Report an Ad form.

Using Twitter Ads Policy, the Twitter Rules and our Terms of Service, we will examine reported violations and take appropriate action.

If you are interested in advertising on Twitter and want to learn more, please visit

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