New America is committed to renewing American politics, prosperity, and purpose in the Digital Age.

Trust But Verify

Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on scientific research? Research studies investigating other research studies – yes, it’s very meta – have diagnosed a “reproducibility” crisis in biomedicine. Simply put, it’s shockingly difficult to reproduce the results of many laboratory research studies relied upon as authoritative and definitive.

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Law Under Occupation

EVENT April 20, 2016 03:00 PM– 04:30 PM

Wednesday April 20, 2016

03:00 PM – 04:30 PM

[u'New America', u'740 15th St NW', u'Suite 900', u'Washington, DC 20005']

Join New America guests Raji Sourani and Shawan Jabarin and moderator Zaha Hassan for a conversation about what possibilities exist and what challenges Palestinians may face in international fora. Sourani and Jabarin will also discuss the current wave of violence in the region that began late September 2015 and what this may mean for the future of Israel/Palestine peace.

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Trust But Verify

EVENT April 21, 2016 11:00 AM– 12:30 PM

Thursday April 21, 2016

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM

[u'New America', u'740 15th Street NW', u'Suite 900', u'Washington, DC 20005']

Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on scientific research? Research studies investigating other research studies – yes, it’s very meta – have diagnosed a “reproducibility” crisis in biomedicine. Simply put, it’s shockingly difficult to reproduce the results of many laboratory research studies relied upon as authoritative and definitive.

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The Terminator

EVENT April 26, 2016 06:30 PM– 08:30 PM

Tuesday April 26, 2016

06:30 PM – 08:30 PM

[u"Landmark's E Street Cinema", u'555 11th Street NW', u'Washington, DC 20004']

Join Future Tense from 6:30 till 8:30 pm on Tuesday, April 26, at Landmark’s E Street Cinema in Washington, D.C., to watch The Terminator with our experts Kevin Bankston, director of the Open Technology Institute at New America, and Sean Luke, director or the Autonomous Robotics Laboratory at George Mason University.

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It's Raining Men

EVENT April 28, 2016 10:30 AM– 11:45 AM

Thursday April 28, 2016

10:30 AM – 11:45 AM

[u'New America', u'740 15th Street NW', u'Suite 900', u'Washington DC 20005']

Join the Political Reform program and Better Life Lab for a no-holds-barred conversation about what today’s definitions of masculinity mean for the present and future of American politics. Will the combination of backlash against misogynist rhetoric and the first viable female contender for the presidency change the game?

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All Books
policy paper | April 19, 2016 | Education Policy
Stitching the States

Stitching the States

Is Stitching the State Data Systems the Solution to the College Blackout?

“Is Stitching the State Data Systems the Solution to the College Blackout?” explores the idea of “stitching together” a state-based federal data systems to reveal national college outcomes.

in the news | April 17, 2016 | Education Policy

Everyone Loves Pre-K, But No One’s Asking the Key Question: How Do We Train Early Educators?

As I’ve recently written, most of the hottest K–12 topics are already settled for the 2016 election cycle. But that doesn’t mean that education is going to be entirely relegated to the sidelines. Keep an eye on early education policy, where various candidates have strong interest in and credentials for making their mark with new, interesting (or, erm, “interesting”) proposals. If you’ve been a combatant in — or just an observer of — the last decade of K–12 battles, it’s time to get ready for a crash course in a whole new realm of edu-politics. So: here’s a guide to sorting serious early education programs (especially pre-K) from the campaign trail posturing.+The usual case for early education is already well established in American public discourse. Research shows that low-income children fall behind their wealthier peers’ language development almost from birth. By age three, the children from the poorest American families have heard an average of 30 million fewer words than children from the wealthiest families. These gaps only grow in the years before elementary school.

press release | April 15, 2016 | Open Technology Institute

House Passes Anti-Net Neutrality Bill

This morning, the House of Representatives passed a bill (H.R. 2666) that would make it practically impossible for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to enforce the 2015 Open Internet Order. Earlier this week, OTI joined 49 other organizations urging Congress to reject the bill, which the White House has threatened to veto.

press release | April 15, 2016 | Open Technology Institute

President Obama Announces Support For Set-Top Box Reform

FCC Effort to ‘Unlock the Box’ Would Unleash Competition, Innovation

Today, President Obama announced his support for the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) effort to promote competition in the market for set-top navigation devices. The president is also expected to take the unusual step of personally filing comments in the FCC’s proceeding. New America’s Open Technology Institute (OTI) has long supported set-top box reform and called on the FCC last year to create a technical standard that would foster third-party device competition.

in the news | April 15, 2016 | International Security

Humans Can't Escape Killer Robots, but Humans Can Be Held Accountable for Them

Over the last 15 years, the idea of "killer robots" has morphed from science fiction to reality, with unmanned systems now a common feature in post–9/11 conflict zones. Just about everyone fighting the multi-sided war in Iraq and Syria, for instance, has used drones, from the US and Russia to the Syrian government and Hezbollah to the Islamic State.As robots have become more commonplace on the battlefield, fear has grown that they may be on their way to becoming too independent, too intelligent, and too autonomous, able to do more and more on their own without being steered from afar by human control or restriction.This is the topic of a United Nations–led meeting — entitled the "Meeting of Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems" — wrapping up Friday in Geneva. The goal for many at this session is to fight a looming future, to ban the technology and ensure that a human stays at the center of the most important decision in war.But that ship may already have sailed — without need of a crew.

article | April 15, 2016 | Asset Building
Asset Building News Week, April 11 - 15

Asset Building News Week, April 11 - 15

TOPICS: Tax Time and Financial Security, The Gender Pay Gap, Bank Size and More


Monday marks the end of tax season, which is a good time to consider steps that can be taken to improve the tax filing process. In New America Weekly, Jane Oliphant and Michal Grinstein-Weiss explored how filing taxes could “become less cringe-inducing, and ...