Tag Archives: John McCain

Freedom Road looks at the U.S. domestic situation

The following is the Domestic section of the Main Political Report from the 6th Congress of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. The Economic section has been previously published, and the section on the international situation is forthcoming.

Decline of American Power, Leftward Shift Define New Period

For the past three years, the conditions shaping domestic politics in the United States have been marked by the economic crisis, a qualitative shift away from the free market capitalism of Ronald Reagan on the part of the bourgeoisie, and a leftward political shift amongst the people. The massive economic and financial crisis, which began in December 2007, and the continuing decline of U.S. imperialism globally, have come together to judge the Reagan Era and its aftermath as a failure.  The economic crisis swept from power the party of George Bush and brought into office the first African-American President of the United States–Barack Obama.

This set of qualitative changes is in part the foundation of and in part manifestations of a new period.  It is this new set of conditions which sets the context for the peoples struggle against U.S imperialism.

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Battleground Arizona

The following article, Battleground Arizona: Students Take the Streets for Immigrant Rights and Against Racism: Undocumented students arrested in McCain’s office, held for deportation, by James Jordan, is being reposted here from Fight Back! News:

Tucson, AZ – Arizona has seen an explosion of Chicano and Mexicano led student resistance to racist laws and in defense of the right to a quality education. Nowhere is this more evident than in the city of Tucson, which is singled out for attack by racist elements of state government. The struggle has attracted attention across the nation. Since the state House and Senate adopted the anti-immigrant and anti-Latino law, SB1070, thousands of students have walked out of school in protest and there has been a wave of youth-led direct actions.

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Freedom Road: Lessons from the RNC


The following is from the website of Freedom Road Socialist Organization:

Lessons From the RNC:
Mass Mobilization and Militant Actions Advance the Struggle

by Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The Republican National Convention brought many of the biggest war-makers to Minnesota. The people’s movements from across the U.S. responded by organizing four days of demonstrations against the RNC. Freedom Road Socialist Organization prioritized organizing against the RNC and helped build multiple days of protest including the mass anti-war march of 30-35,000 people on September 1st and the “No Peace for the Warmakers” militant march turned civil disobedience on September 4th.

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2008 Elections: Celebrate our Victories, Continue the Struggle!

studentsThe following statement is from the Stop the War! Stop McCain! working group of Students for a Democratic Society:

An historic victory has been won through struggle. Millions of people, from all sectors of society, organized and mobilized to defeat McCain and elect Barack Obama, the first African American president of the United States. The message from the masses is clear: a rejection of the war on Iraq, a repudiation of Bush’s domestic and foreign policy, and a resounding ‘no’ to the Republican agenda and the right wing. The result is a powerful blow to racism and white supremacy, and an inspiration to oppressed nationalities and youth in this country.

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Who won the election?

Who won the election? Among radicals and especially Marxists, the punch line of the joke has always been, “the bourgeoisie”. And that’s true. But we also won this one. We defeated McCain/Palin and the ultra-right and we are on the way to moving forward with the people’s struggles under new conditions. We also elected the first African American president in the history of this white-supremacist country. This is something to celebrate.

(Will I. Am’s song, “Yes We Can”)

The ultra-right has amazingly made socialism an issue this time around. Now we all know that Obama will be the Commander and Chief of the Empire. He’s an imperialist, not a socialist. We know that the struggle for socialism will be a struggle against the Democratic Party as much the Republicans. But tonight I want to celebrate the victory. Let the fight begin anew tomorrow, under new, and I would say more favorable, conditions.

Here is what Fidel Castro said about the importance of the election:

If my estimates should be erroneous, all kinds of racism prevail and the Republican candidate obtains the presidency, the danger of war would grow and the opportunities of the peoples to advance would be reduced.  

So here’s a wrap up of my most significant posts here on the election:

Please also read this important statement from Freedom Road Socialist Organization:


McCain: Down in Flames!

Americans are celebrating the defeat of warmonger and angry rich guy John McCain. The voters wanted change – an end to war, lies and corruption. Many correctly saw McCain as the continuation of Bush’s failed policies, so they punished him in the voting booths. To be sure, McCain’s pathetic response to the economic crisis and defense of tax breaks for the rich sealed his defeat. Working and middle class voters are angry about the economy, opposed to the $700 billion bailout and looking for a leader who will “spread the wealth.”

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Election 2008: Too much is at stake!

The following is from the Stop the War! Stop McCain! working group of Students for a Democratic Society:

Welcoming Sarah Palin in Asheville, NC

Welcoming Sarah Palin in Asheville, NC

Everyone knows that this presidential election is important. The question is how to relate to it as radical activists. As activists and organizers we have to be realistic and strategic. We cannot accept the view, on the one hand, that this election can change everything, turn the system upside down, and create a participatory democratic society based on collective liberation and anti-imperialism. On the other hand, we cannot accept the view that it is necessary to avoid somehow morally soiling ourselves by participating in the election of the next Commander and Chief of the Empire. 

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Sarah Palin is a Fascist

Bill Ayers and Weather Underground bombed toilets while the U.S. bombed villiagers in Vietnam.

McCain and Palin are pallin’ around with real terrorists like George W. Bush, who is responsible for the deaths of 1.2 million dead in Iraq and 4 million displaced. And now Palin “doesn’t know” if abortion clinic bombers are terrorists?? Indeed, her wording is very specific: does the categroy of “innocent americans” include abortion clinic doctors, according to Palin’s fundamentalist, right-wing world view? All of this isn’t because she’s confused. Its because she’s a fascist.

The following is an excerpt from Eric Mann’s recent article on the election, and while I don’t agree with all of Eric Mann’s ideas about revolutionaries submerging themselves into a “united front” with Obama, I do think it is important to do what it takes to prevent John McCain and his running dog, Sarah Palin, from taking office.

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