(AUD) is a pro-labor, non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the principles and practices of democratic trade unionism in the North American labor movement.

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UDR #215 Now Available

UDR #215 Now Available

  In Memoriam: Lois Gray | AUD Files Brief in Support of AFSCME L. 402 Members’ Equal Voting Rights | Refomers Seek to Amplify Rank and File Voices in CUNY’s Adjunct Union

Janus Decision Remedy? Union Democrac...

Janus Decision Remedy? Union Democracy!

Given the final decision in the landmark case Janus v. AFSCME in favor of the plaintiff, now is as important time as any for the Labor Movement to take a long hard look at itself and its practices vis-a-vis its attitude towards its membership and to union democracy, in general. As a result of the […]

UDR 214 Now Available In Honor of Ed ...

UDR 214 Now Available In Honor of Ed Sadlowski (1938-2018)

    Ed Sadlowski died June 10th after a long life as a labor activist.  His rank-and-file campaigns – a movement for union democracy in the United Steelworkers – started when both Ed and AUD were very young with AUD working intensively to make the elections fairer.  Although Ed is no longer with us the […]

On Sadlowski By William Kornblum

On Sadlowski By William Kornblum

Ed Sadlowski died June 10th after a long life as a labor activist.  His rank-and-file campaigns – a movement for union democracy in the United Steelworkers – started when both Ed and AUD were very young with AUD working intensively to make the elections fairer.  Although Ed is no longer with us the history of […]

UDR # 213 Now Available

UDR # 213 Now Available

In Memoriam: Wayne Stanton | Unifor Splits From CLC | Election Challenges at the Department of Labor

New Additions to AUD’s Store!

The Union Member’s Complete Guide by Michael Mauer, Union Communication Services, Inc. 160 pp. How to Win Past Practice Grievances (Fourth Edition) by Robert Schwartz, Work Rights Press. 75 pp.  

Union Democracy Review #212

Union Democracy Review #212

    The Janus Decision… | Albuquerque Teachers Reform Caucus | Carpenter Finds No Recourse  

$100 Plus Club News #135

$100 Plus Club News #135

NYC Carpenters In Bylaws Fiasco | Oral Arguments Heard in Beneli Case | Review: Stayin’ Alive: The 1970s And The Last Days Of The Working Class  



In an  increasingly complex world, the ability of any one entity to address the very real but often esoteric concerns of any one client is more and more problematic. The fact is the primary experience that Jane and John Q. Public have with bureaucratic norms and procedures is often one of frustration.    Unionists are quite familiar […]

AUD T-Shirt Sale

AUD  T-Shirt Sale

AUD is offering a sale, now only $10 dollars, for most of our short sleeve shirts (all color variations but gray). Get them while they last! Open the post and  *Click Here*